Begin Here!

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!

For years friends asked me, “what do you eat every day?” “How did you get thin?” How are you not gaining it back?!)

In the early days of Covid isolation (I needed something fun to do), I thought why not go into detail about how I made this work”?

With that, the Inspired Eater site was born. If you’ve hit your version of bottom (with weight, health and eating) and are super serious about engaging with food in a new way, an entirely new chapter in your life is about to unfold.

Our culture’s mass-myth about weight loss

The stats tell us that we cannot lose weight. Period. And that if we do manage to lose, we certainly can’t keep it off.

Except I did lose. And I do keep it off. And, believe me, when I say I’m not special.

Our world is living inside a mass-lie bubble that says we won’t, can’t maintain a weight loss (especially if we’re over fifty). And for decades I too bought the myth, but in the late 90s I finally decided, “I’m done with living on junk food” and that’s when the process of making lasting change began for me.

As a kid, I was heavy back when the super-thins ruled – Farrah, Cher, Christie. (I wrote more about being round for decades in “About Me.”)

Why Click Aunt Bea?

Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome again!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

Click the Aunt Bea button, print her out and read about these awesome starter tools that I use daily.


You know this step like the back of your hand. To start, you need to pick an eating protocol that you love. I happened to be on WW “old” points in 1997. I liked the points system and how it worked, and when WW changed to a “new” points system I thought, “I’ve learned the “old” points inside and out, what was wrong with the old points?”

I didn’t know it at the time, but I’d hit on a reality that’s long gone unexposed: the diet-cartel has to mix things up and bring us the “latest, greatest” about every two or three years.

It’s how they stay profitable into the billions.

If you and I learn how to maintain a weight loss forever, how will the diet-cartel survive?

But I digress, the first thing to do is choose an eating plan that you love and can imagine using forever. (No, you won’t be eating like a bird forevermore, but having a structure to our eating-lives is paramount.)

As you choose a plan, pick one that has the user count something. It doesn’t matter if you’re counting points (new or old), carbs, calories and so forth. With your doctor’s support, consider one of these eating plans:

  • Mediterranean Diet
  • DASH Diet
  • Flexitarian Diet
  • MIND Diet
  • TLC Diet
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Volumetric Diet
  • WW Diet
  • Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  • Ornish Diet

Once you’ve read Begin Here and Aunt Bea, the Inspired Eater will now make more sense. In each post, I talk strategies: what I used to lose, and continue to use to maintain my loss almost two decades later. (I should add that I’m currently 59.)


These are three favorite posts you might want to check out:


But if you want to get up-to-speed quickly, this may be what you’re looking for. It’s my all-in-one-place, A to Z booklet. I did not pack this book in fluff. I kept it lean and full to the brim of what I do specifically.

I’m so glad you’re here, let’s go!

♥, Wendy

P.S. You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ♥