Remember that 1980s hair conditioner commercial? A blonde tells two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on?

Pretty soon the whole screen is blonde heads?

Dude!! That’s how I learned compounding!!

Most importantly, we can use this ingredient to our advantage.

Math You Will Love

Here’s the thing: we’re over 50 – go us! — and are pre-, post- or smack in the middle of menopause.

Sweating the small stuff + compounding = pounds lost, marathons run, and jeans that don’t cut you in half.

In other words, transforming tiny changes into forever habits delivers the goods. And no, you won’t read lame advice like drink more water or get more sleep.

Because duh.

Let’s go.

How Sweating the Small Stuff Really Works.

Embed these moves into your very cells. They’re small, but once they compound they become powerful.

A Spoonful of Not-Sugar.

Behold a super tool that I’ve using for over twenty years.

I keep not one, but four sets of measuring cups and spoons always at the ready. I measure everything: ½ cup dried oatmeal, one cup frozen blueberries, ¼ of yogurt and so forth.

I keep my measuring friends in a big, easy-to-reach, bowl in the cupboard. Commit to measuring, and watch the results.

Try to Accept this One Truism.

Kardashians are proof that life isn’t fair.

That said, it’s easy to lament that losing and — later — maintaining shouldn’t be this hard. But we over 50s can’t eat like we did when we were younger.

Here’s our new normal: plan small bites (aka meals) throughout the day. Don’t let yourself get hungry beyond a five. (One being full, ten famished. I try to stay at a three, maybe a four. But if I’m inching towards a five, The Scarfer’s Ben and Jerry’s is toast.)

These Babies Are Your New Go-To.

These babies will figure big-time into your life. When you leave the house: Purse, keys, phone, sunglasses, bag of baby carrots. Make baby carrots a system like grabbing your phone.

Ultimately? You want to feel naked if you’re driving off without your baby c’s.

Eat Before You Eat.

I’ve eaten this way for decades, but it’s a vlogger who named it: “Eat Before You Eat.” I say this one a lot, but that’s because it powerful.

Instead eat:

  • Half an apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter.
  • A bowl of steamed broccoli (I know, snoozy. But your cells and mitochondria are applauding).
  • A hardboiled egg (keep on hand when you need something fast).

Wish I Owned Stock in Toothpaste.

I’m convinced that toothpaste alone has helped me lose big and maintain the loss throughout the years. Here’s how it works: eat dinner, brush teeth. And floss. (Commit to the toothbrush for 66 days. You’ll see.)

That’s it.

Celebrate and Record Tiny Wins.

There’s no way around this one, you must create a better relationship with yourself if you want to maintain weight loss forever

You cannot sabotage the massive effort you’re making by calling yourself every awful name just because you happen to slip.

Your mantra: slips happen. It’s nothing more than being human.

Calling yourself names is the last thing you need when you’re trying to get back on the Smart Eating Path. Treat yourself gently: a hot bath, good music, and amp-up the compassion.

Celebrate your tiny wins whether that’s eating a daily bowl of broccoli or drinking a spinach-blueberry-vanilla protein smoothie each day. Keep a running list in your computer’s One Note or Evernote program.

Write a “Go Me!” line each day celebrating your little – but pivotal – wins.

The Coolest Part

Say you eat a bowl of Ben and Jerry’s every single evening for a week.

No biggie.

But what if you eat the bowl of fancy ice cream every night for a year?

Ohhhh, you wanted to fit into your bathing suit? Sorry, but compounding worked against you on this one.

But!! Say you use the above tiny moves – measuring cups, bites throughout the day, baby carrots, Eat before You Eat, and celebrate the tiny-wins – every day. . . for a year? (Heck, for even four months.)

Blond heads all over your screen.

Happy End of March, everyone!!

♥, Wendy              

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.



    • Hi Barbara! I love seeing your name. Thank you so much for reaching out. I hope you’re doing well. I follow you on Insta. Your pictures are gorgeous!! ♥

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