Every Friday I share “five pearls” for your weekend. 🙂
Pearl # 1
Every summer as a kid, my grandpa would haul out an old-fashioned hand-crank ice cream maker, and churn the most amazing vanilla ice cream I’d ever had. Sometimes he added strawberries and omg.
Being from the generation who pulled rocky road from the freezer and chowed, waiting for Grandpa to churn the ice cream was kind of annoying. Lol.
I want weight loss right now. The problem with our George and Jane Jetsons’s lifestyle is that we’re being lulled into thinking that everything can happen at Amazon-Apple-Uber speed.
When really, everything crazy-awesome takes blood, sweat, and years (typo mine).
There’s no Tan-in-a-Can for forever weight loss.
It’s our job to remind ourselves daily that losing and maintaining after age 50 – given our food-porn world — is like trekking the Matterhorn. We’re on an uphill climb and time is part of the deal.
Losing after 50 is really hard, only for the super committed, but do-able. ♥
Pearl #2
I’ve probably been “really serious” about losing at least a thousand times. Why would it work this time?
We’ve all said this to ourselves. Why will this time be any different?
I can’t tell you why it will be different.
But I can tell you that a very different kind of supportive energy appears on our behalf when we stop “hoping” something awesome will happen, and instead “decide” that it will happen.
Back in 1997, it felt very different for me when instead of hoping, I decided that I would change my eating habits from full-on disastrous to fruits, veggies, whole-this, whole-that and so forth.
I thought, even if I don’t lose weight; I’m changing these habits. Period. I figured, if I can’t lose with rock star eating habits, then I guess the universe likes me at the weight I’m at. At least I’ll be eating right.
And that was the beginning of my losing fifty-five and keeping them off for fifteen as I write.
Decide to decide. ♥
Pearl #3 Â
You know that Thanksgiving-stuffed feeling? Where your stomach hurts? Well, I was having that on the regular before ’97. I’d eat out and have a huge plate of Mexican food with a large marg, and finish it all off with fried ice cream.
I remember being bummed that I couldn’t finish my dessert. Because I was too full.
Then come Monday morning my pendulum would swing the other way and I’d be on some stupid strict diet.
Today, I haven’t had a Thanksgiving-stuffed feeling in decades.
It would feel abusive to feed and feed and feed myself until my stomach is super uncomfortable. I wouldn’t cut myself with a kitchen knife or run down the staircase either (I’d fall).
To me, there’s no difference.
Once you extinguish the habit of eating to the point of feeling stuffed, it will feel “off” to return to the habit.
Remember that to establish a habit, 1) Replace the bad habit with something positive 2) monitor your progress daily in your journal for 3) sixty-six days and the habit will take hold. ♥
Pearl #4
Your challenge this weekend: when a hard-core craving claws at you, and you’re about to attack the kitchen wait ten minutes before eating the Ding Dongs or donuts or all of the above.
Just ten minutes. Answer a text. Check insta. Write to me (Wendy@theInspiredEater.com). After the ten have passed, give yourself at least one Ding Dong. Or all of the Ding Dongs.
It’s up to you how much you eat, but even if the craving has passed have a Ding Dong or a donut. Do this twice each day over the weekend, keep notes and report back.
We’re at the beginning of two important habits. ♥
Pearl # 5
“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”
— Louis Pasteur
Tenacity. It means not settling. Going for the gold. Thinking outside of the brownies.
Let the word be your daily mantra — it will take you places. ♥
Turns out, I forgot to have fun this summer. I’m hitting my neighborhood pool at least twice more in August and again in September.
Enjoy the last weeks of summer everyone!! (My favorite season is just around the corner.)
And remember, it’s not just you. Health is hard.
♥, Wendy
P.s. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at Wendy@TheInspiredEater.com and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!
You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.
I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within TheInspiredEater.com is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ♥
These pearls are so pretty. They are timeless and so elegant 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com/2021/08/chanels-take-on-modernism-6-bags-im.html
I’m a pearl lover too. I knew one woman who had a beautiful pearl engagement ring. ♥♥♥
I adore your words of wisdom and of the 5 pearls above, #3 was the one that really struck me. I do occasionally remember those days and never fondly. They would mostly occur while eating out, usually at a buffet. After all, why not get your money’s worth, right? Thank you for your insights.
I hear you about buffets. I haven’t been to a buffet in over twenty years because there’s that tendency to “get your money’s worth.” There’s just no happy there.
The only time I face buffets these days is on cruise ships. I should write about dealing with them.
Love hearing from you!
#1. That’s the one I needed most.
You are such an upper!!
Tenacity. I love that. Visiting you from the inspire me monday link up.
Thank you for visiting Lauren!! I love the word tenacity too!
I could have sworn I commented! Well, maybe i typed it in , and got distracted. 53-yr old brain. Sorry!
I think that is key, deciding to put things into action. I like your pearls of wisdom!
Thanksgiving, when everyone waddles out after eating too much! I was diagnosed with Gastroperesis about 15 years ago, althought it has been longer, and my stomach doesnt digest well. I can only eat a certain amount before feeling full. And overfull isnt fun. ( imo) It is hard sometimes, when you want to enjoy something! I do think tenacity plays a role!
Enjoy your week!
jess xx
Hi Jess!
It took time, but I avoid that “over-full” feeling now. It used to be just part of my life.
I hope you’re feeling better. I know you’ve been dealing with it.
Kisses to the furries,
I love the concept of 5 practical pearls each week – it eliminates the overwhelm of too much information in one big hit.
Cat, great to hear from you! I agree re: overwhelm.
This is so inspirational, I too have told myself a thousand time that I will *seriously* lose weight and eat better but I always get stuck somewhere. I will try again and again! Thanks for sharing!
Life is a Shoe
Your blog is awesome. With Sex and the City coming back your blog will be super popular. I would love it if you’d email and tell me where you get stuck with weight stuff.
Back to shoes for a second, I once knew a woman whose mom called her a caterpillar because she had so many shoes.
My email is Wendy@theInspiredEater.com.
I’d love to hear from you,
Your 5 Pearls is a great concept. I love your necklaces too. In my latest post I’m also wearing a lot of pearls! Gail, Is This Mutton
I saw that you were wearing pearls!! ♥♥♥
It is good to be reminded. I have been over-indulging recently. It is all about being strong and breaking the bad habits and making good ones. TENACITY…love it.
I’m with you: I love the word tenacity.
Great pearls! keeping weight off is something I have struggled with since my early fifties. For me it’s a matter of balance.
I’m glad you like the pearls! It’s hard enough to keep weight off but doing it after menopause? It’s like a new game.
My weight was never an issue until menopause and now it’s a major struggle. BHRT has helped a ton. And so I’m making progress…Thanks for your pearls of wisdome! Have a great weekend!
Thank you Christine!
I hate that over full feeling, but like you, I used to have it regularly when I was a young adult. When I look back. I think it was that I had grandmothers who showed their love by stuffing you to the gills. LOL!
These are all great pearls! I’m at the point where I am eating healthily (plant-based) because it’s the best thing to do for me. Weight loss will be a bonus.
Grandmothers are so wonderful.
Great to hear that you’re doing plant-based. I mainly do too and I feel better for it.
This are great ideas. I’m so used to being under 105, so now that I have a sever chronic illness that will eventually take my life, I’ve gained. It was after a surgery that removed my entire large intestine and appendix that really added on another 20lbs. I’m now at 150, and it makes me feel physically ill about it. Maybe some of these tips will help! Thanks for sharing on Happiness is Homemade at Life as a LEO Wife. I think my readers are going to love this too. We’d love to have you share on Traffic Jam Weekend (Thurs 5pm-Sun) and on You’re the Star Blog Hop (all month) at https://LifeasaLEOWife.com.
Oh, Niki, I’m so sorry for what you’re dealing with. I have a condition similar to MS (but a mild version very, very thankfully). The good news is that embedding the Smart Eating habits helps in the health dept.. At least, I like to think it does. lol.
I’m so glad you visited from Happiness is Homemade! I’ll definitely do Traffic Jam Weekend and the Blog Hop!!
Thank you!!
Pearls are so beautiful. I also admire someone who is very self-disciplined like you. I can’t control my mouth when I see good food.
Trust me, there’s nothing special about me.
I know it sounds cheesy, but if I can do it, you can.
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You are so generous, Linda! Thank you so much!!
Pearl #2 reminded me of my dad’s favorite saying – Hope is not a strategy! Same thing applies here and to basically everything else – we have to make things happen ourselves rather than hoping they will happen to us.
Thanks for linking last week!
I agree one hundred percent w/ your Dad!!
I love your blog, Grace. I keep wondering, how are you so together?! I was a wreck at your age!!
Tell your dad that he’s right! 🙂