Hello All Thrivers!

And welcome to everyone who recently jumped onboard! This blog will make better sense if you first read Aunt Bea, but if you didn’t receive your copy feel free to email me: Wendy@theInspiredEater.com. Then your next best read is: “Begin Here” that also sits in the yellow ribbon above.

Let’s go!

Even back when I was a card-carrying member of the Totally Annoying Teenager club, I still thought my grandma was the best ever and I told her so often.

Her eyes would crinkle and she’d say, “You’re just looking at me through the eyes of love, my darling.”

Today we say “lens” not “eyes.”  

For example, my husband looks through the “fancy-bakery” lens every time we’re in a new area of our town; not to mention when we’re traveling.

One of my sons looks at the world through a video game and Marvel superheroes lens.

And of course I wear my “how can I eat smart food today?” lens.

It took time, but I finally gave up my very old “how much bad food can I get away with today?” lens.

As you know, I’m a huge believer in the power of journal-writing as an affordable method of therapy, and this topic is ideal for mining the depths. Just pull out your journal – or buy a pretty one – and ask yourself these questions:

What lens would best support you on this trek up the steep mountain we’re climbing (losing after age 50). What is your go-to lens in life? Is the Eeyore lens used on the regular while your “I’m brilliant!!” lens sits dusty on the shelf?

Think of a time when your brilliance was on full display. That’s who you are. Write about bringing your “brilliant” lens into your daily life. Start by using your brilliant-lens for just one hour, then one morning, then a full-day, then a week and so forth. Learning to default to your brilliant-lens isn’t a one-and-done deal. If you really want to capture and use your lens, you need to consciously call on her daily.

Think about the most positive person you know. What type of lens does she seem to use on the regular? How would it feel to use this person’s lens for an hour or two?

What lens would serve you well for tackling a tough job (like cleaning the garage)? What kind of lens will you use the next time you’re feeling really blue?

What lens do you use in the morning? for lunch? dinner? on the weekend? Do you need to shift your food lens? (I sure did.)

When you’re ready to make a shift, make it slowly. Don’t expect yourself to shift from “people are mean, food comes to my rescue” lens to the “I come to my own rescue, food is fuel” lens overnight.

But – given time — you can totally make the shifts. Why do I say “go slowly? If we rush to develop a new habit we will awaken our cavewoman inside of us. She’s the one who tells us to buy two chocolate shakes, go home and crash on the couch in front of Hulu. Keeping the cavewoman quiet so that your hyper-smart prefrontal brain can go into action is the whole idea. Your prefrontal will send you the best lens for the moment. All you need to do is consciously ask.

Sequencing is taken directly from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). When we write a sequence about something happening in our lives, it helps us tap into our unconscious.

The purpose of sequences is to help us go from reacting to circumstances to responding. I encourage you to do a sequence a day in your journal. Powerful stuff.

  • Situation (something super concrete): I put on my cute shorts and they don’t fit.
  • A chosen thought: “Oh no. But this time around, I might have an idea about how to get through not fitting into my shorts.”
  • Feeling: Curious, but still doubtful that anything will work.
  • Action: I put the shorts away for now.
  • Result: I don’t beat myself up.
  • Situation: (something super concrete): I put on my cute shorts and they don’t fit.
  • A chosen thought: “I’ve so got this.”
  • Feeling: Relieved and pleased that I’m actually using a smart-eating plan.
  • Action: I go to my desk and take a good look at where I might be over-indulging in food-porn. Once I have a better idea of where the leak in the hose is, the quicker I can make positive change.
  • Result: I work on strengthening my habits and within a month I fit into my shorts.

Trust by Hernan Diaz. This big boy won several prizes in 2022 including the Pulitzer. I’m halfway through and it’s excellent. Five thumbs up.

Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life then you will by being frustrated.”

Jim Rohn

You know how I was thinking about moving this blog to Monday or Thursday? Many of you emailed me privately and voted for Thursday. But I’m moving The Inspired Eater blog to Monday morning. One day I realized that Monday aligns well with stuff in my life. I care about you guys and I hope this move doesn’t cause a problem for you. And thank you to everyone who voted!

So, here we are on Friday, June 28. You’re reading the last Friday post today. Additionally I’ll post again this coming Monday, July 1: a two-fer! Pearl one is about how to deal with the long holiday weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


1 Comment

  1. Thank you for another post filled with help and wisdom. Bonus points for the totally adorable puppy wearing glasses picture!! Yay for not having to wait a whole week for another e-mail/post from you!

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