Put a little fun in your heart each and everyday.

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash.

Back in the day when food was my entertainment, I’d tell myself, “I’m SO BORED” and with that, I’d raid the kitchen for some “deserved” nothing-to-do-eating.

Today I deal with boredom differently, here’s what I finally figured out:

The feeling of boredom was never meant to signal us to locate and eat handfuls of M&M’s. Actually feeling bored is a challenge from the best part of ourselves to bring new exciting plans and ideas to life.

And excitement is different for everyone. It might be exciting travel like seeing the castles in Europer, while I want to fulfill a lifelong dream of learning Spanish. A friend might want to hike every waterfall in her state. Someone else might be ready to adopt a rescue-dog.

Before I go any further, I have to add an important caveat: I’m not suggesting that if we simply embrace a new passion that the extra pounds will melt off.

You will never hear such nonsense from me.

But what I am saying is that when you coax your own dream-projects to life it’s a bit easier to stay happily distracted until your new eating habits are fully in place.

How I Upleveled My World.

In a nutshell, I began adding fun experiences to my life in several ways, intentionally adding excitement to my life slowly so that I wouldn’t burn out:

  • One year I joined a Toastmaster’s club (to develop stronger public speaking muscles within a super supportive environment).
  • Every so often I rearrange our home’s furniture into a new style that I love ( and even more fun: I go to garage sales on the weekend to find treasures that I can paint.).
  • In 2016, I had the back surgery that I’d long needed. (Not all uplevels are glitzy at first, but long term I was sooo happy I’d had this surgery. If you live near Georgia: Dr. Heller, Emory.)

The Secret Sauce to Upping Our Game.

The secret? For a more exciting life: scare yourself a bit. Like, you want butterflies in your stomach. If your plan to uplevel (big or small) is not a bit frightening, you might be wasting your time. (Include at least one ahhh!! idea in your excitement plan.) Here’s what friends put into their plan to uplevel their lives:

  • My IT friend takes two to three courses a year to keep his skills fresh.
  • After a divorce, a friend is allowing a new man into her life and pinteresting her home in ways that she’ll eventually (we think) share with him.
  • A super active friend became certified in SCUBA diving. I’m betting that it’s hard to be bored when learning to stay calm and breathe underwater.

Best Therapy.

Journal-write about these three questions. Challenge yourself to give at least three examples to each question. Our human brains will spill forth jewels almost every time. Journal-write about:

  • a dream-project that has called to you for years.
  • a topic you’ve long wished you knew more about.
  • the last thing you did that was scary, but fun!
  • Answer this question: In my life if I’m bored it means. . .
  • Or, If I’m bored, my first thought is. . .my second thought is. . . my third thought is. . .

Have a wonderful weekend!!

And remember, it’s not just you. Health is hard. But thankfully we can do hard things.

♥, Wendy

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within TheInspiredEater.com is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.



  1. This really resonated with me because having given up work three months ago, I’m keen to do all the things I’ve always wanted to do, and keep challenging myself to avoid becoming set in my ways! My list includes ghyll scrambling (done), an online art course (doing) and trying stand up paddle boarding (booked). Thanks for linking!

    • Stand up paddle boarding has always looked awesome to me. I had to look up what ghyll scrambling is! That looks so fun. I’d never heard of it.

      You put a ton of love and care into your blog and it really shows.


  2. Boredom is one of the problems I’ve tackled over the years —- if I’m bored it’s all too easy to reach for the wrong foods to pass the time. I love your advice here. I deliberately try to stay busy, particularly now I’ve given up work. I do a lot of walking and I’ve signed up for an online art course! Yours was one of the most clicked posts in the link-up last week, I do hope you can come over and join the next one!

  3. So glad your back surgery was successful. And I never say I am bored. There are never enough hours to do everything I want.

    • Thank you Hilda! Wow, that’s a wonderful super power to not get bored.

      You have the best attitude! I’m going to try it telling myself your exact sentance!


  4. This is such good advice! Adding variety and excitement to our lives is a great way to help us continue to embrace our healthy habits – and be inspired to create new ones. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Thanks for this inspiring post. I was just chatting with a friend yesterday who also happens to be a life coach. I’ve gone through some upheaval in the last year and she was saying that it’s never too late to live the life that we were meant to live. She gave me the example of Grandma Moses who became a very famous painter in her 70s!! After reading your post I feel like it’s confirmed what I have been hearing lately. That it is time for me to do things even if they’re scary to get me out of my safe box.

  6. My “ahhh” item to add to my life, I want to try wind surfing! It has always been on my list of things to try, and maybe take up as a hobby, but I just haven’t gotten to it. Thank you for linking up with Tell It To Me Tuesday, I hope to see you again this week!

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