As a young person, I had zero confidence. Back in the 80s I would never mumble what seemed to be true: that working out didn’t appear to work in terms of losing weight. I’d been a Jane Fonda, Jazzercise, and Lilias, Yoga and You woman for years.

None impacted my weight.

Being shy, I wouldn’t share my thoughts about fitness losing weight. I just figured I was doing it wrong.

As far as I could tell, the only activity that made a dent in my weight was cutting back on calories. Today, this idea has hit the streets as fairly common knowledge.

Don’t get me wrong, working out like a SEALs team member, Michael Phelps, or Jillian Michaels definitely equals weight loss. However, the thirty minute walk or yoga class most of us take isn’t going to result in a scale trending downward.

Fast-forward to today. It doesn’t seem like word has reached the “experts” on smart eating, and it’s not only about calories-in, calories-out either. The powers-that-be are also misguided in thinking that skipping breakfast when using the intermittent fasting plan is a great idea, but is not.

When people are using the intermittent fasting plan, they’re often ‘eating whatever they want’ during their open window for meals. In doing so, they’re not developing the foundational new habits they need to maintain a weight loss forever (versus yo-yo-ing). Creating — and maintaining — strong habits is the backbone of forever-losing.

For the last year I’ve used myself as a guinea-pig to test that type of eating that I now think works well: eating like a king for breakfast, a princess for lunch, and a pauper for dinner.

At first I was reluctant to try this eating plan. I’ve kept 55 off for 16 years now, and I didn’t want to tinker with what wasn’t broken. At the same time, I wanted to see if the Royal Eating Plan (REP) would work. (Btw, I didn’t make this plan up, it’s been around for over 100 centuries.)

Take a look:

My King-Sized Breakfast.

Yesterday’s breakfast was one bagel with a generous smear of whipped cream cheese. Calories: 200 in the bagel, 70 in two tablespoons of cream cheese and I probably had three or four tablespoons. (I’m not a fan of bagels, but there wasn’t much food in the house. Very unusual for me: I believe in having your “food tools” always on-hand.)

A large handful of unsalted nuts. Calories: 190 for ¼ cup. I had at least a half-cup.

Two Madeleine cookies. Calories: 150 for two with seven grams of fat.

I would have had orange juice, but we were out.

For someone maintaining a 55-pound loss, that’s a big breakfast, right? But I created two hard and fast rules for myself: (1) breakfast had to be over by 9 a.m. and

(2)nI could never eat so much at breakfast that I wouldn’t be ready for lunch at noon or 1:00 p.m.

My Princess Lunch

I “lunch like a princess” from about noon to 4:00 meaning I’ll have two light meals.

Around 12:30 p.m. I had the oatmeal bowl that I’ve eaten every day for two decades while listening to my favorite podcast. (Half-cup dried oatmeal cooked, one cup blueberries, half cut up Honeycrisp, all topped in a quarter cup of my favorite yogurt. Vanilla, low-fat, Kroger) Good food, great episode, a relaxing moment in my day.

Around 2:00 I had a half-cup cottage cheese (I’m into cottage cheese at the moment).

At 4:00 I had a small Chobani yogurt (love coconut).

My Pauper’s Dinner

Dinner was a veggie and brown rice bowl that I make (with 1/2 cup cooked brown rice). If I’m eating with my family I have a tiny portion of the lasagna or whatever. (I  don’t have seconds of food and I always Eat Before I Eat when I’m with others so I don’t come to the table truly hungry.) I finish dinner by 6:30 p.m. at the very latest. (Six is better.)

When it’s bedtime, if I’m a tad hungry I’ll have 1/3 of a banana, half an apple or something similar; but whatever food I have, it’s tiny. (I never go to sleep hungry, but I don’t feel full either.)

Our Tummies Respond

I know you know, but it bears repeating. The less we eat, the more it becomes the “new normal” for tummy. It works the other way too: if we eat a lot, our stomach thinks that’s the new normal.

It really is just that simple, and yet I know that it takes time and conscious effort to transition to a large breakfast, moderate lunch, and light dinner.

Remember my favorite study out of England? It concluded that it takes 66 days of a particular behavior to turn the behavior into a solid habit. Keep a running “one sentence” journal each day of the 66 days you use the Royal Eating Plan. Writing about the behavior we want to embed strengthens our engagement with the new behavior. (I keep my journals on OneNote.)

And yes, I still use my eating structure (WW in my case) with the Royal Eating Plan, but I only count my large breakfasts as two to four points. In other words I factor in the calories to some extent, but not much because our bodies just don’t hold onto morning calories for whatever reason.

My thought: put sticky notes throughout your life to remind yourself of the habits you’re creating for yourself.

Also write stickies reminding yourself that you can save the brownies that everyone else is eating in the evening to have at breakfast with your morning coffee. I do this exact thing all the time so I don’t feel left out of having “fun” food.

Don’t be hard on yourself, it takes time to establish the habit of saving an evening dessert for the morning, but the results will convince you.

Having my Brownies & Eating Them Too

What I’ve come to love about breakfasting like a king is that I don’t feel constant deprivation as in — poor me — I can’t have anything porn-ish ever again because I’m over 50 and way past menopause. But with the REP I still score fun food, the time of day I have the treat is the only difference from everyone else.

When I first realized that a large breakfast was pretty close to a calorie-free meal I went a little bonkers. I was like, get out!! Are you saying that I can have those shortbread cookies The Scarfer always buys at Trader Joe’s? (It’s fine, he beams at his nickname.)

I can have graham crackers with peanut butter (tastier than it sounds) and even those brown sugar packet oatmeal things that I never get anymore? What dream world had I stepped into?! (Of course keeping in mind that I always adhere to my two rules: (1) stop breakfast by 9 a.m. and (2) don’t eat so much that I won’t be hungry for lunch.)

Here’s the weird thing, after eating on the REP for about two years the novelty of breakfast treats has worn off.

I’m not kidding. Wore off.

These days I have a handful (or more) of nuts in the morning (tasty and good for our hearts), maybe a small spoonful of peanut butter, and often my green smoothie that’s filling. But if the family had something food-pornish the night before, I’ll eat mine at breakfast.

Try the Royal Eating Plan for eight weeks and see how well it works. The bottom line (no pun) results in my life: I’m currently at the middle range of my four-pound weight window.

Want more info on this life altering eating style? Check out these two articles.

ScienceDaily: Eating dinner early, or skipping it, may be effective in fighting body fat.

NIH (National Institute of Health: Timing of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Effects on Obesity and Metabolic Risk.

As always, I love getting questions in the comment section below or email me at

And please always remember: it’s not your imagination. Health is hard.

♥, Wendy



    • I mean, it really works. I hope you’ll give it a try and report back!! 🙂

  1. Hi Wendy!
    Nice post! I knew of this way of eating, but since I have Gastroperesis, don’t eat the breakfast quite like that as it takes forever to digest foods. I do think it is smart. For my condition, it is smaller meals throughout the day and I do enjoy nuts, yogurts, good nutrition.. As a kid, we ate as a family , “early” around 5 or 5:30, and I am not a fan of late night dinners. ( I dont know how that will work in Italy next year! )
    btw, that brownie picture drew me in!
    Have a great week!
    jess xx

    • Thank you Jess! I’m sorry about the Gastroperesis — that’s no little thing, I know. I can’t wait to see your blog posts from Italy!! How exciting. Who takes care of the pups? I never have a great solution w/ my two so I’m always searching. ♥

  2. Very interesting and even more so as you speak 100 % from experience. I usually eat something at 9am, never before and it is part of what is now called intermittent fasting. I have never liked eating earlier – my whole life. I will try your approach especially the lighter dinners. The brownie for breakfast with a coffee has to be a winner and why not?

  3. It’s so great to see you join the #WowOnWednesday link-up, your blog has so much appeal for the audience, many of whom are over 50 and finding that weight loss and maintenance becomes a whole lot more difficult during or after menopause. With this diet you’re restricting the eating “window” to some extent, and it’s easier to determine which meals get more calories based on the language of King / Princess / Pauper. Thanks for sharing!

    • Wow, Gail. Thank you for making me feel very welcomed!! Your blog is awesome by the way. Love the colorful clothes, jewelry and your haircut!! 🙂 (I have to figure out how to sign up with Discus.) This eating style works. I’ve been extremely surprised.

    • I keep hearing that! One sweet reader said that they eat this way in South Korea too.

  4. This looks just divine! Wish I had the recipe for that brownie ASAP! I usually am not a huge breakfast person, in fact…I skip it most days because I’m just not hungry. But I do like this train of thought, though! I might have to try it. 🙂


    • I’m not kidding this way of eating totally works. Your blog is just beautiful!!


  5. Pingback: Friendship Friday Blog Hop 497 | Create With Joy

  6. Thanks for joining us for Friendship Friday at Create With Joy, Wendy – I LOV E your blog!
    That’s why I’m delighted to congratulate you for being our Friend of the Week!
    Look forward to seeing you this week – enjoy your time in the spotlight

    • Wow. I just checked out your site! Awesome job. I also love Molton Brown. I didn’t realize they did perfume. I’ve only had their shampoo etc. in hotels. But their products are very nice!!


  7. I’ve been eating breakfast for a while now, usually yogurt, boney and fruit (often banana) I like to have my main meal by 4pm then enjoy some snacks in the evening. I’m all about maintaining weight, rather than losing it these days (aged 50) Thanks for linking with #pocolo

  8. Wendy, this seems like a very doable plan and I’m going to give it a try. I’ve been tending to eat a rather generous breakfast so I like your perspective on how to work this into new perspective on what/when I eat during the day.


  9. Interesting! I appreciate that you’ve shared your own experiences here. Visiting from The Hearth and Soul linkup.

  10. I find it amazing how different our bodies can be and how different ways of eating can work for different people. Your approach is clearly working for you – it’s a real accomplishment maintaining a weight loss! (I have maintained a 40 pound weight loss for 8 years too. ) It certainly does seem to be the consensus that eating less in the evening is better for you, that is for sure. Thank you for sharing, Wendy!

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