To lose/maintain after age 50, we need to learn how to make a gazillion micro-decisions. Here’s one that trips everyone up.

A reader writes:

We have a large extended family dinner every Sunday.

I have no idea how to stay on a smart eating plan when we’re together and eating and hugging and having a great time.

My response:

Awesome that you’re thinking about this get-together — eating-wise — in advance. Planning is the secret sauce when it comes to parties.

One – What’s the Goal?

A few days before the party or get-together: ask yourself what’s your goal for this party?

  • Do you want to eat one piece of pie and not sliver-eat three in the kitchen when nobody’s looking?
  • Do you want to avoid grazing on chips, cheese and nuts throughout the evening?
  • Do you want to sip a small glass of wine and not three?

Write — don’t just think — your goals in detail and how you’ll navigate each one. Then write your action plan. Writing is a key part of making the best micro-decisions.

Two – What’s the Mission?

Your action plan might include:

  • Shopping for the special foods you’ll need to put your plan into action.
  • Making at least two veggie dishes that aren’t laden in sauce and mayo along with a huge beautiful salad that everyone will appreciate.
  • Serving a dessert like chocolate fondue with chunks of banana and angel food cake for dipping is a great way for you to have a little and no one’s the wiser. Or serve chocolate mousse, but keep the servings tiny. (I knew a woman who served chocolate mousse to her guests, but had sugar-free chocolate pudding in her own glass.) And the best dessert ever? The kind you don’t care about. Smart Tip: the more beautiful your dessert’s presentation, the less dessert you need to serve. Fancy restaurants serve teeny bites of awesome desserts.
  • Using the Eat Before You Eat tool. I never arrive anywhere hungry. An easy “bridge” food is half an apple with peanut butter or a scoop of peanut butter straight from the fridge. The idea is to take the edge off so that you’re not ravenous when the food finally shows.

Three – Who’s the Naggiest?

If somebody bugs you about having seconds “because life is short” just smile and say, “I’m taking off the Covid 19.”

The entire table will nod and look at their plate.

Tomorrow is September 1 and I’m telling everyone that I will work out five days a week in September so that I don’t back out. The ultimate plan is to join a new (to me) yoga/Pilates group and not embarrass myself when I take a class (e.g. slip in my own sweat).

Have a wonderful week! I love questions/comments so ask away in the comment section below or at

I’m finally, finally learning how to do Instagram. I’d love a follow @theinspiredeater. (TIA!!)

And if you feel like health is hard? Join the club!!

♥, Wendy



  1. Great post! Your advice is always spot on and incredibly helpful. Thank you…

  2. Hi Wendy!
    I should have done a post about How to continue to eat healthy while living with your mom for a year! LOL. We picked up my mom last year when Covid started and she stayed with us, but she is the lady that says, ” You only live once”, ” How many times do you eat that?) “A little bit once it awhile isn’t going to hurt you”… and so on. I like to think of myself as a healthy eater and then when mom is cooking- there are alot of casseroles and gooey cheese dishes!
    Anyhow, I love the idea of writing down your goals , making some veggie dishes, and I laughed at the sliver comment! ( we all do that right?)
    Enjoyed this!
    jess xx

    • Wow. A whole year?! You’re a better woman than I am. Even w/ noise cancelling earphones that would be rough.

      I’m surprised she doesn’t get it from the POV of health issues.

      I love your blog, but it would do better w/ more pup pictures!! 🙂


  3. Love dipping fruit into the chocolate idea, that reminds me of a wedding I went to. You get your treat and enjoy it too.

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