Snuggly “No Days Off” cozy-wear & photo by CharlotteChanelllc

Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday!

Pearl One

The latest saying goes, Gobble till you Wobble.

Yeah, no.

Overindulging on Thanksgiving straight into our sweatpants is so last century. Today, instead of merely inhaling and/or surviving temptation, let’s set ourselves up to thrive as we maintain over the four day. Losing weight is asking a lot, but maintaining is totally ours.

Behold the powerful, micro-tweaks that removed my Thanksgiving-stuffing behavior for the last 16 years.

Let’s Do This.

First, the right headspace. Our mission is to maintain over the Thanksgiving weekend, and this is the perfect moment to label maintaining: a part-time job. If we don’t seriously prioritize our maintenance-mission, it will steer right off the cliff.

Next, we’ll write a list of our favorite smart foods. Let’s show ourselves that we can take our wants – maintenance — seriously.

At this juncture, I literally write the day I shop onto my calendar because my smart food will likely be sprinkled throughout the grocery-land: some at Trader Joe’s, others at Costco, and many at Kroger. Planning is our North Star.

Once home with our smart food, we pick a cool hiding place in the fridge. (I claimed the top drawer long ago. My family thinks there’s a ton of carrots in there so they steer clear.)

Beware the kitchen. If you’re hosting the event, save your maintenance-mission by preparing food — cooking and baking — only after you’ve had a smart meal.

If you’re visiting the host’s home, only bring smart food options like a huge colorful salad, veggie sides (sautéed in olive oil with a light salt sprinkling), or a light dessert. This way smart food is readily available for you.

Other guests will appreciate smart food offerings too. They may not say it, but most of us over 50 are dealing with weight gain given our food-porn world (and COVID).

Thirty minutes before the Thanksgiving meal itself, “eat before you eat.” Have an apple with peanut butter, baby carrots in hummus, a mug of butternut squash soup (Trader Joe’s). In other words, cut your hunger in half.

One more micro-habit from the naturally-lean of the world. Don’t inhale your Thanksgiving dinner plate (speaking mostly to myself). Take the time to be fully present in the moment noticing your guests, complimenting their beautiful clothes (if they’ve dressed for the occasion) and eating the holiday food slowly.

Pearl Two

If you haven’t yet noticed, I’m no fitness-enthusiast. I was for a second there, but then my yoga instructor moved.

I’m a big believer that weight loss happens through smart food habits. Unless we’re training like an Olympian, working out does little to help weight loss.

That said, the feel good cocktail that floods our brains after a sweaty session? I’m all for those.

Endorphins don’t get the attention they deserve. If at the end of your workout you’re not grinning like a goofball, then walk a little faster, spin a little harder, or take the tougher yoga class.

Endorphins are a great tool in our forever-arsenal that will have our backs throughout the long holiday weekend.

Let’s plan to get our endorphins every single day of the upcoming four-day. So, that’s five sweaty workouts: the day before, Thanksgiving itself, and Friday through Sunday. Five times to get sweaty and giddy. (I’m scheduling it on my calendar.)

Walking, yoga and Pilates are my favorites.

Pearl Three

The Self-Sabotage Department. I love looking at how self-sabotage plays out in my days. It’s so interesting to me that as I profess to want something – say, a clean house – I don’t put a solid plan in place to make the change happen. I make no plans, no strategies, nada. (Keep in mind I live with the head-clutter bug and his two clutter bugs-in-training.)

Okay. See what I just did? My thoughts go to cleaning my house and my brain immediately gets defensive and starts blaming my husband and sons. Being defensive and blame-y serves nobody.

Truth is, I’d rather be doing a billion different things besides cleaning like going to the dentist, pet sitting my friend’s Great Dane, or having the annual holiday-spending argument with The Scarfer. (We’re of different religions: I come from the large holiday gala, he hails from the “what holiday?” home.)

It’s a whole new ballgame the moment I label keeping my house up/losing weight/working out every day a part-time job rather than something that “would be nice to have, if I have time.”

And that’s how you lose after 50. I turned losing into my part-time job so therefore didn’t feel put-upon when it took time to shop for special foods, boil eggs, chop t veggies, and make salads.

Pearl Four

Here’s how I embrace the holiday without turning one meal — Thanksgiving dinner — into a five or six day food-fest.

I keep on hand the first two items and plan to try the third item this weekend!

One — Take a sweet potato. Nuke or bake it in the oven, add a sprinkle of brown sugar and a mini-marshmallow or two and dig in. Repeat as needed.

Two – Buy butternut squash soup from Trader Joe’s. Pour into large mug, sip away.

Three – Wonderful reader Margie in Southern California picked up these fun bites at Costco: Egg White Frittatas and says they’re “so, so tasty. Good when you need something in a hurry.” Perfect and thank you for sharing! I think these cold frittatas are found at the back of the store, in the same case as pesto. (If you’re at the TP, you’ve gone too far.)

Four — I also have a mini whole wheat pumpkin muffin I bake and eat each year when I’m slammed for time. You can easily turn them into mini apple, banana, or blueberry muffins. I’m trying to keep these posts more succinct! Email me if you’d like the mini muffin recipe:

Pearl Five

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something you accept no excuses, only results.” ~ Ken Blanchard

For Tuesday’s member-newsletter, send in questions to It’ll be fun, we can learn from each other. Send in questions, tips, great food ideas and conundrums.

Have a mellow Thanksgiving week! Unless you’d love some excitement. Then have an exciting Thanksgiving!! 🙂

♥, Wendy

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.



  1. Happy Friday Wendy,
    Love the pearls and thanks for the mention. The frittatas are in the frozen section at Costco, between the egg isle and before the paper towel section.
    I would like the muffin recipe please. Thank you. Margie in CA

    • Hey Margie!!

      I found the balsamic vinegar at Costco! It’s in the aisle — closeish to the cash registers — right next to the white vinegar. I’d thought it would be next to the olive oil, but no, next to the vinegars.

      My Costco had no frittatas left. They must be great! 🙂


  2. Thanks for the encouragement to not overindulge at Thanksgiving. This year my birthday actually falls on Thanksgiving day, so I know I’ll be very tempted to have all the desserts, not just some. ha.

    • On my birthday or Christmas, I pick one special food to have rather than a day of “fun.”

      Good luck to you. And happy birthday!


  3. I like the “part-time job” attitude. It really does help me with not feeling anxious about spending effort and time to make good food choices.

    • You’re not alone in having anxiety about planning, preparing and so forth. It’s a ton of work to lose at any age, but especially over 50 we need every advantage. Making it a part-time job spells out exactly how much effort it takes to lose.

      Love your email name!


    • “Challenging” is a great word for it. It’s so easy to overeat in Nov/Dec.


    • I know!! I love it too. I’m putting it on my desk so I don’t forget! 🙂


  4. My Weight Watcher’s week resets every Friday so I have been banking as many weeklies as I can and since I am hosting I can easily lighten up so many of our side dishes (I only like white meat turkey and can not stand gravy so I have no worries there). My biggest problem is going to be having all those yummy desserts on hand and trying to resist. But I am determined to maintain and only have tiny splurges here and there that I will plan and plot out ahead of time.

    • Joanne, this is great! You didn’t ask, but my best thoughts:

      1) I don’t know if desserts are immediately after Thanksgiving dinner or later in the evening. If it’s later: Eat Before You Eat — in other words before everyone digs into the desserts make sure that you’re not hungry.
      2) A micro-reward. Plan a special reward for the day after the dessert buffet. Make a deal w/ yourself that if you have two small bites and no more — or none at all — that you’ll get a manicure or get that dress you’ve wanted. That kind of thing. But it has to be something really good and that you’ll follow through with. 🙂
      3) I haven’t written about this, but it’s a good one. Have something on your person during dinner and dessert: a special ring or a bracelet. Even a pen mark on your wrist that says, “Yes I can.” It has to be something that you can see. You want something with you through the day and evening that maintains your larger plan.
      4) Make sure all leftover desserts go home with guests.
      5) Super great that you’re planning. It helps so much.
      6) I always remember “Friday Wendy” and how I want her to feel.

      You’ve got this. You’re doing a wonderful job. Can you write on Friday? I’d love to hear how it went!

      ♥, Wendy

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    Pinned to Senior Salon Pit Stop InLinkz Linkup Shares board and tweeted @EsmeSalon #SeniorSalonPitStop

  6. I’m not really crazy about exercise, and watching what I eat is easier.
    Thank you for sharing at the Friday with Friends link party
    Happy Thanksgiving!

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