Happy Friday, All! Let me know how you’re doing with the long weekend!

Pearl One

I’m currently knee-deep in 1938 Manhattan. A Rolls Royce with driver, a glittering Park Avenue apartment and $10,000 diamond chandelier earrings figure prominently.

But here’s the part I love: the author juxtaposes the wealthy world to a more humble man’s way of life. We hear the advice from the heroine’s dad through her thoughts:

“Whatever setbacks he had faced in his life, he said, however daunting or dispiriting the unfolding of events, he always knew that he would make it through, as long as when he woke in the morning he was looking forward to his first cup of coffee.” ― Amor Towles, Rules of Civility

This is my take on the dad’s advice to Katie: summer cottages at the Hamptons are cool and all, but the true luxury in life is the ability to cherish the smallest of pleasures.


Isn’t that a good one?

Her dad’s insight applies to our “losing after 50” life too: learning to appreciate the small treasures that have nothing to do with the food-on-steroids in our culture.

Instead a book so exceptional that we finish the last chapter a changed woman; a lengthy cuddle with our fur-sweethearts total attention on our furs-kids rather than multitasking as we scratch their heads; or noting a beautiful walk on a crisp December morning, these are the “desserts” that don’t clash with our smart eating lives.

Nothing against luxuries. As a travel writer, five-star hotels are a blast, but Amor Towles brings it when he says it’s not the chic addresses, or diamonds, or three Michelin starred meals that make a life.

It’s the little things.

Journal-write about what brings you joy – that don’t involve calories – and refer back to your wisdom daily.

Pearl Two

Do you know about this amazing site? The first tier (that I’ve used for years) is totally free, and it’s the coolest.

AllTrails.com reviews every walk/bike/run trail in your town or city. Same when you’re on vacation many places in the world. Looking for a moderately-challenging, but shaded walk? Or are you hoping to find an easy hike to a waterfall? How about a path that passes a dog park?

It’s all at AllTrails.com.

Pearl Three

Last week I wrote that mid- to late-November is the ideal time to tell people in our life, “Please no food gifts.”

So several readers asked, then what should we ask for?

Good point.

I put together this inexpensive list that uplevels all of our smart eating lives. I have every single one of these items below and can attest: awesome.

Pink and Gold Measuring Cups and Spoons. These beauties make a gorgeous gift to give or receive. I actually keep four sets of measuring cups and spoons – albeit not this fancy — in an easy-to-access cupboard because I measure everything. I separate the spoons for easier use. This set all in gold is really pretty too.

Snuggly Snowflake Slipper Socks. I live in slipper socks even in the Atlanta-summers.

Insulated Lunch Bag. I take my petite carrots, baby tomatoes, sliced cucumber, an occasional hardboiled egg and yogurt to eat in the car when I’m running errands.

Books perfect for dessert in the evenings. (Although maybe skip asking for the “Elephant in the Room” for the holidays. People might not appreciate getting Elephant in the Room from you.

Digital Kitchen Scale Digital Weight Grams and Ounces (Stainless Steel).

Reusable Silicone Baking Cups Muffin Liners. I’ve had these exact muffin cup liners for three years. Easy to use, easy to clean. And I never have to worry about running out.”

High Performance Ultra Light No Show Socks. These socks rock for walking.

Heat Resistant Oven Mitts. Love, love, love these guys. Have a red pair that’ve lasted for years.

Hat for the Cold in Leopard. I’m at the dog park for an hour every single day. Late fall into spring it is cold, so I bundle up and top myself off in this hat.  

Pretty Jacket I Love for the Brrr Temps. I rarely buy a new coat or jacket, but I had lunch with a friend who was in therapy to learn to handle a super rough diagnosis. Her therapist suggested she buy a jacket in a color she’d never before considered for herself. She bought an electric blue. I thought it was a great idea, so I bought a jacket in bright green and love it. It keeps me warm when the temps drop into the 40s. (Photo of me in jacket below.)

For the baseball person Lover: Baseball 100.

I hope these gift ideas inspire you to think of new ways to support yourself as you go forward on this quite difficult path we’ve chosen.

Pearl Four

Years into maintenance, I’ve extinguished my evening sugar-athon. However – don’t get me wrong – I had a bad relationship with sugar for years.


We cannot transform a thousand eating habits overnight.

Here’s what I loved to eat in December before I kicked my sugar habit:

  • Pepperidge Farm’s Gingerbread Men. Tiny, low calorie, and serving size four. However, not sure how the supply chain problem will impact our little guys, but in normal times I find mine at Kroger.
  • Trader Joe’s French Macarons (find in frozen section near the ice cream) – Macarons are a great choice for a low calorie dessert (110 calorie for three macarons). Pair macarons with decaf coffee in the evening or hot tea and you have yourself a nice dessert. My review: More!
  • The Simple Candy Cane – At 60 calories per, a candy cane is a classic go-to (dating back to 1670). My only problem: because a candy cane is just 60, I occasionally went bananas and ate 300 calories worth at a sitting. The moral? Don’t be me.

Pearl Five

You don’t get results from focusing on results. You get results from focusing on the actions that produce results.” – Mike Hawkins

I hope you’re having a peaceful holiday weekend.

With love,


Me in bright green. It was 48 degrees this morning and I’m pleased to tell you this jacket did it’s job.
I’m participating in a Christmas Blog Hop. Visit the links below for some fun holiday inspo!!

Easy Christmas Crafts to Make and Sell 

Make This Stunning Light Up Christmas Display From Dollar Store Bowls

2021 Christmas Tour First Stop The Dining Room

Christmas In The Dining Room

Salt Dough Cookie Garland

Simple Vintage Inspired Ornaments

Twine Tree Tutorial

Whipped Topping Candy

Christmas Cheer With Father Christmas

A Gift Guide & Yesteryear Wisdom for Our Arduous Trek When Losing After 50

Snowmen Bring Christmas Cheer to the Fireplace



  1. Yesterday I followed my plan! (Except I forgot that I was eating “no crackers” and did eat just a small few (vs. my normal PILE), and as soon as I remembered! Whoops! I walked into a different room and refocused. So that’s a mostly-win.) I ate ONE dessert, the one I planned on.
    And back to non-special food day / on track this morning – I have a friend who is committed to walking with me, and we went out in TERRIBLE weather today, but it felt SO GOOD because we were both being proactive and not slumping.
    The walking made me refocus, and I appreciate that.
    I’m planning just 2-3 days at a time to get through the holiday season; plans are flexible and all over the place, and the 1 thing I can focus on is my own food.
    I would still like to lose 5 more lbs, but I am maintaining the gains I made, and going S L O W L Y like the Wendy-voice says!

    • I love all of this so much! You’ve knocked it out of the park! How you refocused is incredible. The Wendy-voice made me laugh.

      Keep it up!


  2. Hi Wendy, let us know if you find the PF Gingerbread Men cookie assortment. It’s a long time family tradition for us to open our first box of the season after Thanksgiving dessert. Sadly, my Publix didn’t have them this year.

    • Hi Carol!

      I sent you an email days ago, but in case other readers want the gingerbread scoop: Trader Joe’s sells a box of gingerbread men that are excellent. They’re dense, not a flimsy melt-in-your-mouth thing at all. And, they’re four cookies to a serving!

      Enjoy everyone!


  3. Wendy, I love your pearls, and I love your gift guide! The jacket looks really cute on you. I was going to buy one from your link, but it is too small for me. UGH. My health is requiring me to lose some pounds, so maybe I will be able to get one in the future. I did just order a red pea coat though!

    • Pam I think a red pea coat would be awesome! I would love that!

      Thank you for your nice word — it means a lot.

      Kisses to Sunni!


  4. I love the quote at the top. It’s so true, coffee is what I look forward to every morning too. Also, love the quote about not focusing on results but on actions instead. Great advice for a non-sugary holiday. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  5. So many fabulous pearls, Wendy! I loved all your gift ideas too. Definitely writing down the quote you shared as well. It’s such a great daily reminder. Hope your holiday season is filled with all good things, CoCo

  6. Wow-what a great read this was and I love how you suggest to others no food gifts and then provide so many great alternatives. I really appreciate everything you’re saying. Thanks for sharing and wonderful hopping with you.

  7. Thanks for so many great tips on staying healthy through the season. We all need to be aware of how to make our lives healthier.
    Lynne, Thrifting Wonderland

  8. Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas for gifts. They are very useful. Thank you for blog hopping with us.

  9. What a delightful and informational site you have! I find it very interesting and I am sure I can learn a lot from your site. I, myself are currently 80 pounds down from my highest. I still have another 50 pounds to go, and I am way beyond menopause! Yes!! It can be done!!

    • Chloe,

      You should be so proud. What an accomplishment.

      Thank you for your sweet words!


    • Lauren, have you read his books? He’s really good.

      Thanks for writing!


  10. I’ve stumbled on your blog for the first time today and I love it! I like the idea of the jacket and think I might treat myself to that for my birthday in a few days!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to put together such inspiring stuff.

  11. Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life’s Share the Wealth Party. I really appreciate you taking time out to share. Have a fabulous weekend.

  12. I LOVE the Alltrails app and I’m always surprised by how many people have never heard of it.

  13. Wendy, reading your posts is like having a great conversation over coffee with a friend. I enjoy every single one. Thanks for recommending the all trails app. I have never heard of it. #HomeMattersParty

    • I would love to have coffee with you!! I’ve read your beautiful blog and love what you’re doing with houses. Very cool.


  14. Some great gift ideas. I find if there are treats in the house then I eat them, although I do allow myself treats. I just need to learn to ration myself, easier said then done. I’ve got a nice supply of hats for the winter dog walking, it’s sooo cold here in the UK. Thanks for linking with #pocolo

  15. Pingback: The Dining Room at Christmas - The Dedicated House

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