You see the problem.
Happy Friday! We have a lot of new people, so consider some pearls to be an awesome refresher. 🙂 And don’t miss Pearl Four. Yum-city.
Pearl One
What if everything happens for us (rather than to us)?
Kind of a mind-blower, right?
I keep this jewel of a question in mind when facing the difficulties we all stumble through in life. I try to remember to ask myself: what if a, b, or c is really a lesson wrapped in annoying, time consuming, or tragic circumstances?
I’ve used this question for so long, I’ve forgot who first said it. I googled and, turns out, Tony Robbins. (Shocker.)
As an example, let’s take how successful I am at maintaining a regular workout routine. Which, of course, is not at all.
I once developed a strong habit for over two years taking yoga and mat Pilates classes every week. Then the owner moved her business and my good habit tanked.
Now’s the time I need to ask myself: what if my reluctance to workout has something to teach me? Sadly, I’m big on excuses. My favorite: I can’t do regular yoga/Pilates classes. Too pricey!
Generally, the problem we start with – being unable to maintain a workout schedule – is really an emotional wound that needs our attention.
Take a few moments to journal about your current circumstances and how you respond to them. You’ll be amazed at all that your unconscious produces. (She loves to be listened to too.) ♥
Pearl Two
Live the holidays for January-You.
You know I’m big on setting future-me up for success. Let’s take the Christmas holiday as an example. About a week or more ahead of time I’ll journal from the perspective of January-first-me writing a letter to current me (btw, this works on any holiday).
I imagine January-first-me will be stunned, but then ecstatic that I didn’t overindulge all of December.
January-first-me is likely incredulous that I maintained my workout schedule along with taking a pass when the family’s cinnamon roll-extravaganza commenced.
I journal in detail. I ask myself: How will I navigate early, mid-, and late-December? Not to mention the Big Day of? I’ll write about the special foods I’ll buy and hide in the fridge, I might even use micro-rewards to keep me on the straight-and-narrow.
There’s no doubt that it’s a skill: staying present in the fullness of the holiday-moment while at the same time staying true-blue for January-first-me. But that’s the thing, our amazing brains can absolutely track both.
Show yourself what you can do this holiday season. ♥
Pearl Three
The Self-Sabotage Department. Let’s see, there’s so much to choose from. Here goes: I’m at my best in the mornings so I keep my schedule totally open until noon so I can write (alone).
Problem is, I sabotage myself by frittering away my most energetic hours. I write on my laptop that — of course — has access to the internet. I allow myself to be lured into checking the weather, “talking” to people on a great forum, googling my symptoms to see what disease I might have, and so forth.
Habituating my brain to only writing in the morning is my aim. Sixty-six days is the amount of time needed to embed a habit. Tomorrow is day one. Wish me luck. (A year later I can report that I feel much more in control of my mornings and keeping them for writing only.) ♥
Pearl Four
The best part of the holiday? I mean, eggnog, right? And do I have an awesome product to share with you.
First, a funny eggnog story. I once heard about an office Christmas party that had a huge spread of food with an eggnog fountain as the centerpiece.
An eggnog fountain where eggnog fell onto vanilla ice cream. At the bottom of the fountain guests ladled the yum into their party mugs.
Yeah, the days of going hog-wild on the high fat and calories of eggnog are in my last lifetime. But I found an awesome work-around. Today, thanks to the various brands of faux “milks” on the market – almond, oat, coconut, soy – the same companies are also producing fake eggnog. The delicious faux-eggnogs appear in the refrigerator section of Kroger, Trader Joe’s, Publix and Whole Foods every November.
The faux-eggnog calories are ridiculously low making them an incredible addition to your holiday season. I wrote about the various eggnogs and seasonal drinks last year here: Ultimate Guide to my Favorite Holiday Drinks (hold the sky high calories).
Please run, don’t walk: These egg nogs are popular, so you might want to skedaddle. ♥
Pearl Five
What seems like the right thing to do can also be the hardest thing.” ♥
As we head into the season of a-lot-of-food, I hope you’ll go easy on yourself. Meaning that maintaining throughout November and December is the kindest thing you can do for your mental health. Telling yourself that you “have to” lose during the holidays is mean. Work on maintaining your smart habits and finding ways in the season that touch your heart, and are also calorie-free.
♥, Wendy
P.s. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!
You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime. 🙂
No doubt, it’s a challenging season we are entering!
Holy-moley, yes!!
Pearl two is really striking a chord with me! I will give that a try.
I love pearl two too!! I use it all the time.
Interesting read and many things to consider. I really like Pearl 2, looking ahead and setting yourself up for success. That’s a lovely way to goal set and to think about what path you want to take. I know that through menopause and after, I will have changes to contend with and hopefully I deal with it okay and do find acceptance. I am a pretty regular at working out and eating well, but there is always room for improvement plus our bodies just naturally change over the years. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for writing. Menopause wasn’t nearly as difficult as I’d always heard.
W. p.s. your fur-baby is very cute!!!
Crackers. My 1 thing is going to be crackers. I will skip crackers until 2022. (And maybe past that, but this is my first goal.)
Crackers! Good one!!
Hello Wendy. I’m coming to your blog through the GRAND Social. It’s nice to “meet” you. One of my affirmations is “I love my strong health body. I treat it with kindness and respect.” Of course, part of treating it with respect is nourishing it with real food, not too much, mostly plants. And the occasional holiday treat, without going crazy. I love the pearls you offer here. Number 1 I’ve been working on for a while. Number 2 sounds like a wonderful idea–something I should try this holiday season, not just as it relates to food, but as it relates to the whole, crazy holiday season. Thanks for sharing these tips. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Thank you Christie!
Thank you so much for sharing your post at our Senior Salon Pit Stop.
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Thank you back Esme! I love your blog!
Great pearls as always, Wendy! I especially liked the conversation with yourself over the cost of yoga classes. My self conversations go like this:
“As one who hoards my energy due to fibromyalgia / CFS, I find myself unwilling to expend energy on something as frivolous as exercise because I might need it elsewhere.”
“Um, exercise is not frivolous and it’s okay if I’m wiped out the next day.”
“But what if I can’t make dinner?”
This is totally self-inflicted. My husband never puts pressure on me and is happy to take up the slack. Hmmmm.
As always thank you Michelle! Energy depletion due to fibromyalgia / CFS. That’s a horse of a different color. I know that needing to “hoard” energy is a very real thing when navigating a difficult diagnosis. Who could blame you for not wanting to feel terrible the day after a workout?!
I’m sending hugs. That’s a tough one.
I am strict Keto right now so that I can relax a little over the festive season and enjoy myself without feeling guilty. Definitely back on it in the New Year. It has been a tough year, heck it has been a tough two years and if the worst we do is enjoy a sausage roll or two extra… then bring it on! 🙂 Sim x #TrafficJamWeekend
Thank you Sim. I love the British accent one can hear over “comments.” (. . . enjoy a sausage roll or two.) ♥
Hang in there,
Quite thought provoking, that first pearl! If everything happened for us. I need to contemplate that a bit more. I know with disease it doesn’t feel that way, for me, but perhaps it helped me see true values in life, stronger relationships, family support. Hmmm.
Have a great week Wendy!
jess xx
I know what you mean Jess. I have a chronic thing too. I keep the “everything is for me” quote on my desk so I don’t forget.
Hang in there. You make EDS look beautiful. (She doesn’t have EDS, she has MS, but this woman is so cool to follow. She was dx at 19 with MS and she’s 40 today. Very funny and she pulls no punches. Also, super into glam. 🙂 I highly recommend reading her:
Ahhh, I need the faux eggnog!! Last year I got hooked on the Horizons Organic Eggnog. It’s lowfat, but still, I was drinking too much of it in the evenings. It’s SO good. The stores ran out of it sooner than the other eggnogs. I was sad at first, but then relieved! I need a replacement!
I think the faux eggnogs are so good. I know for sure Trader Joe’s is now stocked in fake eggnog. I haven’t checked Kroger, but I bet they have it too.
Cuddles to Sunny!
Good luck on your goal of writing. Pearl One got me thinking about why I have been avoiding the gym and taking care of myself more. My excuse – too busy? I need to find out why I am making myself too busy I guess. Thanks for the thought provoking post. I enjoy reading it each week. #HomeMattersParty
Thank you Donna! You didn’t ask and I hope it’s okay. . . but I would get more granular. Instead of asking such a colossal-sized question, instead ask something micro like, how can I get to the gym every other day? Why has journaling my food intake become difficult?
When my eating and health life goes sideways — like right now — that’s what I do. Go microscopic.
Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you very much for sharing, visiting, and commenting on posts at the Senior Salon Pit Stop.
Pinned to Senior Salon Pit Stop InLinkz Linkup Shares board and tweeted @EsmeSalon #SeniorSalonPitStop
Thank you Esme, you are so supportive!
Great Pearls of wisdom xx…I just ate chocolate…mmmh Im tired been up since before dawn. Eating to stay awake, I will pay for it later. I go to the gym every day walk my dogs twice a day so I can have a bit of naughty food some days. Egg Nog, I dont think I have every tasted it. Not sure I would drink the fake stuff though. Living in Australia we have a hot Christmas although we do have the traditional hot food lol. #SenSal
SO COOL that I have an Australian-reader!! I’ve always wanted to visit. The big spiders scare me though. 🙂 It’s so fun that you guys have “hot” Christmas. I would love to do that someday.
Going to the gym every day and walking the dogs? You’re crushing it, Bree!
Thanks for writing!
I’m in the grasp of Pearl 3 this morning as I type this with facebook open and a tv show on in one corner. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
You and me both re: Pearl 3 (work in the mornings when we’re at our best). It’s so hard to develop good, strong habits.
Kisses to the furs!
Congratulations, you will be featured on the upcoming Senior Salon Pit Stop post, Monday, Dec 13th, as one of the top three bloggers.
Thank you for your support and participation. Please invite your fellow bloggers to also come and participate, thanks in advance.
Thank you Esme!!
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