Beautiful rings and photos by Lindsay from INDVapparel.

Pearl One

As I slowly lost 55, I was only beginning to learn how to put food into its proper place in life. No longer would it be a vast theme park where I’d regularly visit Lasagna-land, Cinnamon roll-heaven and French Waffle-island.

Somewhere in the late ‘90s it occurred to me that the person who became 55 pounds overweight, wouldn’t be the same one who lost and preserved a forever-loss.

Only one snag.

Unconsciously, even the mere idea of change freaks human beings out. Oh, I might talk big about moving from the West to the East Coast, but when we actually moved to Virginia? I was a basket-case.

Today, I love Virginia and miss it like crazy (we’re in Atlanta now).

Soothe Yourself as You Transform

Even positive change is a thing human beings rail against. And losing weight definitely means changing. I can hear you saying, of course I want to go down two pant-sizes. Who wouldn’t?

Today I’m sharing my top tool for calming my brain down as I lost weight.

Say a young girl is told for the first twenty years of her life that she’s a caterpillar. Somewhere in her late 40s she realizes that, no, turns out she’s not a caterpillar and thinks being a butterfly sounds more like it; that being a caterpillar was never who she was in the first place.

As she slowly transforms from being a caterpillar to a butterfly she’s heard it’s super smart to soothe herself with supportive self-talk along the way.

  • I’m becoming a butterfly and that’s okay.
  • I’m becoming a butterfly and “slow and steady” wins the race.
  • I’m becoming a butterfly and the other butterflies will like me.
  • I’m becoming a butterfly and I’ve got this.
  • I’m a butterfly and being the best butterfly I know how to be.

The need for positive self-talk will never go away.

Simply taking a caterpillar and pushing her to become a butterfly doesn’t work. Too fast and all is lost. The caterpillar needs to be talked to often and gently as she transforms into her butterfly-self.

But cute metaphors aside, I knew that change doesn’t come easily to humans. So I used the same positive self talk as I was losing that I use to maintain today. Just like the butterfly.

Pearl Two

Losing and maintaining “is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson gave the world this fantastic concept, and I just tweaked it a bit for our purposes here:

Reframing weight loss from “I have to lose twenty” to “I’m developing ironclad habits that will have my back forever” is the aha moment we most want in our day-to-day eating-life.

Pearl Three

The self-sabotage department where “busy” has become our get-out-of-jail-free card. Who has time to pack petite carrots into a cold bag for errands? I’m so insanely busy I can barely catch my breath. Eating “just has to” take a backseat.

Even though I know better, I also tell myself that I’m too busy to vacuum; too busy to work out; too busy to chop my vegetables for the week. Don’t your understand?! I’m just too busy!

I’m so busy that there isn’t time to live the parts of life that really matter most to me.

Pearl Four

When my kids were little I had no use for Daylight Saving Day when we “fall back” an hour. It was very simple: more daylight equaled more park-time.

But now that my sons are older I’m taking a new look at this “holiday” that falls on November 7 in 2021.

This year, I’m hacking daylight saving time to my best advantage.

Here’s my plan: I currently wake up at 7 a.m. with the rest of the family. I would love an entire hour to myself in the morning.


One hour.

So when we fall back an hour this year, my alarm will go off at 6 a.m. while my body still feels like it’s 7 a.m. (And, yes, I know I’ll need to go to bed earlier at night.)

If you could use an extra hour in the morning, join me!

Pearl Five

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.” ~ Julie Andrews

Stick with me guys, with an eye towards maintaining we’re going to crush this holiday season!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

I’ve been asked if I could include something like Buy me a Coffee on the Inspired Eater. So if you feel up to sending a coffee, I am a devotee. You’ll find the coffee “button” to your right. And, as always, thank you so much for reading the Inspired Eater. ♥♥♥



    • Thank you Michele. For the first time ever I’m looking forward to the time change!


    • I know. I love sleep. I never realized how great sleep is until I had kids. lol.

      Thank you for writing!!


  1. I really relate to this. I’m trying to lose just one dress size and finding the last few pounds difficult to shred. Our clocks in the UK changed on the 31st. It’s really strange how they differ by a week.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo

    • I love how you say that you’re losing “one dress size.” Such a cool way of thinking about it versus “I have to lose xxx pounds.” Another wonderful reader says that she doesn’t call it “losing weight,” she calls it throwing away weight. Because losing implies that you can find the weight again. Isn’t that great?
      Thank you for writing!


  2. “The need for positive self-talk will never go away.” Amen to this. I need to do better about the words I say to myself.

    I am looking forward to the time change to get that extra hour on Sunday morning! 🙂

    • You’re sure right. It’s a skill I have to refresh daily to not beat up on myself.

      Thanks for writing Lisa!


  3. Forming new habits takes time, but I thank God that we CAN form new transformative habits. Thanks for encouraging us on that journey!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your post at our Senior Salon Pit Stop.
    Pinned to Senior Salon Pit Stop InLinkz Linkup Shares board and tweeted @EsmeSalon with #SeniorSalonPitStop

  5. Such a beautifully written post, Wendy! I struggle to get used to the ‘extra’ hour but our clocks changed last weekend and I think I’m back into it now lol!
    Suzy, The Grey Brunette
    P.S Thanks for linking up!

    • One day I’ll have two little shadows too. Today I have a big clanky shadow: my shepherd. He shakes when he first wakes up and his collar and tags clank. lol.


    • Thank you, thank you Michelle! I hope you’re adjusting well. We left the west too in 2010. You sure moved to a beautiful part of our planet.


    • Thank you Patricia! And thank you for a beautiful link party! #alittlebitofeverything.


  6. Change isn’t always welcome, until you need to change again and have become used to the last change. Your story about moving was so true. Going to hold onto this thought.

  7. Give yourself grace to move in the right direction instead of measuring how far you need to go is a great mindset. I hope the extra hour is working for you. I ended up enjoying the rest Sunday!

    • I’m trying to get up at the “old” time every day. It’s hard!! 🙂


  8. I so enjoy your posts! Probably because I can relate to so much of it if not all of it. Thanks for linking up each week if for nothing else to encourage me each week. #HomeMattersParty

  9. Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life’s Share the Wealth Party. Have a fabulous weekend. See you again after the 15th!

  10. Pingback: InLinkz 188 Senior Salon Pit Stop

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