Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

Hello Thrivers!

Whichever beautiful country you’re reading this from, I hope it finds you cozy.

I should add that I’m trying not to write such long posts. I don’t want you to see my emails and think, oh no, another phone book.

Here we go.

Pearl One

My Gram – who I mention a lot because I loved her so much – used to say, “My get-up-and-go, got-up-and-went.”

I receive just enough emails to leave me with the vibe that so many of us are losing – and maintaining – after age 50, 60, 70, and yes, 80, with our fingers crossed, hoping for a miracle this time.

For sure, I talk about the many micro-habits that are so important to embed in your life:

  • Keeping a cold-tote with you at all times when you’re out-and-about.
  • Going to bed early with a book-dessert (especially when you’re changing an evening eating habit).
  • Always stashing a protein bar or a banana in your handbag. Always.
  • Keeping a clean grocery cart and kitchen (eliminating all food that you’ll overeat).

And so on.

But just like your phone that needs to be charged each day, your part-time job (if you will) is to ignite the part of you that brings the energy, the fire, the magic to every strategy as we trek the Matterhorn of losing after 50.

Without charge, our awesome phones go from 33%, to 12%, to – hold me!! – eight percent.

So the question is, how do you bring your most on-fire self to the Smartest Eating Lifestyle?

No more wishing on a star or hoping for a miracle.

We’re the captain of our gorgeous cruise ship, and our ship runs on the magic of our excitement. With it, she’ll tour the most amazing ports around the world.

But without our crackling energy, she goes nowhere.

Your choice.

Pearl Two

You know how we’re participating in the Healthy Holiday Challenge that we began in August? Well, my plan was to establish a fitness habit.

I didn’t want to work towards a goal, I wanted to embed an actual habit (like my morning coffee).

And I’m right in the middle of establishing a fitness habit, as we speak.

This is what I do. To make developing the habit easier on myself, I tell myself that I don’t need to change into “the right clothes” because I’m only riding for ten minutes. By luck, this time, I pulled out my favorite toy — Instagram — and scrolled away as I rode.


The first day I used Instagram, I rode at a level-five for 20 minutes (I wasn’t working out. I was merely trying to establish a habit). When I looked up, I realized that I’d ridden that long because of Instagram. The next day — with Instagram along for the ride again — I rode for 29 minutes, and I’ve done that every day since.

I should add that my “why” has also changed and I hadn’t realized it, but I’d always thought my “why” was about my sons. At least at the moment, I realized that I now have a much stronger “why.” As a writer I sit on my butt way too much and for that reason I need to work out and stretch. How I feel on a daily basis is more motivating than two cranky teenagers. (Who’d have guessed?)

So too-much-sitting motivates my workouts today. Consider looking at your “why” to see if it too could use an update.

Pearl Three

Welcome to how I “screwed up.” I want to share how I “relaxed my standards a bit” because I don’t want you to think for a moment that I’m perfect in any sense of the word. To keep my weight down, I don’t overexercise and I’m not bulimic. I’m just your average gal who got tired of clothes not fitting. Nothing unusual to see here folks.

A good example. My idea of heaven is me on the couch, eating half (maybe more) of the Cheez-It box, kitty on lap (if I’m lucky) with a good book. I haven’t had a good Cheez-It blowout in years. Ah, the memories. Cheez-Its and I had some wild times together.

But my size eight jeans gave me an ultimatum. Choose. Would it be the jeans or the Cheez-Its?

I chose.

Completely worth it.

Pear Four

Whole wheat pumpkin muffins! I’ve made these babies for years throughout the chilly months. Look how low in sugar!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  • 1 cup white flour
  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 3 TBL. sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder.
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice.
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 whole egg (I add more for added nutrition).
  • 3/4 cup skim milk (I use almond milk)
  • 2 TBL. butter
  • 15 oz. can of pumpkin (plain), or 3 or 4 mashed bananas for banana muffins.

Spray muffin pan, use foil muffin cups or try these silicone muffin cups that I think rock.

In a large bowl, stir the dry ingredients together and make a well in the center.

In a small mixing bowl, stir together egg, milk and butter.

Stir in 3/4 of a can of pumpkin (I use the entire can).

Add wet ingredients to dry. Batter should be somewhat lumpy. Spoon into muffin cups.

Bake for 20 minutes. Healthy and yum.

Pearl Five

A habit is a gift you give yourself.” – Me

The Holiday Weight Challenge. Just 35 days until Thanksgiving!! Which new habit have you been working towards? I hope you’ll share in the comments below.

Creating a new habit is not about being perfect. Say this over and over (and over) to yourself.

Have a beautiful fall weekend everyone!!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

You know the scoop: I am an Amazon affiliate so if you buy something through a link at this site, I may receive a small commission that won’t impact your price at all.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.



  1. Barbara Sullivan Reply

    I don’t think your posts are too long; I look forward to every word! You’re the only one in my world who gets what I’m doing. My husband loves me, heavy or not. My siblings are both morbidly obese and live several states away. They know that I’m trying to keep weight off but no specifics, (I’m almost 5’2″. At my heaviest I wore 16P. Last time we were together I wore a size 8P. I’ve been wearing 2P for 6 months now.) I feel like this is a Normal Weight for me. I want to maintain this weight, and you’re the only one I can tell! I especially liked a recent quotation: “Between the stimulus and the response there is a space…” I used to eat impulsively and compulsively. You’ve given me tools to eat differently and live differently. Thank you!

    • Wow. What an amazing story, Barbara! Getting to a two is no joke, phenomenal!! Huge congratulations!

      That quote is one my favorites too.

      Thank you so much for writing and sharing the news!!


  2. AHHHHHHHHHHHH……….what do you mean 35 days to Thanksgiving?! This year has gone by a warped speed. These muffins look delicious. I really like that they are so low in sugar. Instagram is awesome to scroll and I totally see how that time went so fast. The way you are establishing the fitness habit is inspiring and something I would like to plan for in the new year.

    • I know!! Re: the bike. For the first time I’m aware that I’m really trying to establish a habit. Not workout as well.

      Kisses to the furs!


    • I know! We keep Thanksgiving pretty laid back. For some reason, I add a little stress thinking that it’s not a “real” holiday if the house is mess.

      So, I up the stress having to clean!


  3. I find with the right distraction I usually will exercise a bit longer and harder than I had originally intended and I LOVE what that happens!

    • As always thank you Carol!

      I wanted to share something with you. So if it’s okay, I’ll email you directly.


  4. Wendy,
    Aging is priceless and there is nothing embarrassing about playing the long game at losing after 50.

    Love your quote Wendy.
    “A habit is a gift you give yourself.” – Me ♥

    Thanks for linking up at wonderful Wednesday link party 334 with this inspiring challenge.

    H Emma ||

    • Oh Emma!

      Your site is fantastic! And I love Seth Godin too!
      Thank you for the sweet words!


  5. I love reading through your posts, not too long at all. I always carry a healthy snack with me when I’m out and about to stop me being tempted with sugary snacks.
    Thanks for linking up with #pocolo

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