


Hello everyone!

If sugar is on your last nerve, read on!

Pearl One

Craving treats in the evening plagued me for years. I’d tried everything I could think of to end the cookies, candy, cake, ice cream routine, but nothing worked. Once I even talked my husband into keeping his treats in a locked safe. I can’t remember how long that so-called “solution” worked, but it was probably one day, tops.

Back in January 2021 I decided I’d had enough. I thought, I will extinguish my evening sugar habit once and for all.

And after a lifetime of getting nowhere, I finally hit on my own hack that wiped sugar off my map. At this writing I haven’t had sugary treats in the evenings for three years. The plan works beautifully. And it now belongs to you.

The Stop the Evening Sugar Plan

For the first week or so of early January, I’d spend each morning writing about the steps I would take that evening to defeat my sugar-urge. The first two weeks were the hardest.

My planning notes looked like this.

When the dessert-hour rolls around and I’m craving Oreos and ice cream – not to mention watching my husband, the Scarfer, chowing down –, I agree to do the following:

  • Step One — Get out of the kitchen and away from the ice cream scarfer. I will listen to an inspirational podcast and wait for the craving to quiet down (btw, cravings are like clouds. They subside if you wait them out).
  • Step Two — Listen to hard rock from the 70s. (Not sure why, but great music stops my cravings.)
  • Step Three –Take a hot shower.
  • Step Four — Brush teeth and read in bed. (I call it book-dessert.)
  • Step Six — Turn on the electric blanket and go to sleep.

Within two weeks my sugar cravings seriously calmed down.

By Day 66: the new habit was solidly mine. Today if I want something fun – like birthday cake – I have it with my morning coffee. More about the advantages of brownies for breakfast here.

Now You

In the morning, long before the cravings start make a “step list” for yourself to navigate evening cravings. Write down the moment you start thinking about eating the treats. Is it immediately after dinner? Or more like 9 p.m. when you’re watching Hulu? Or is it after everyone goes to bed and you have time to yourself?

Write up a plan that focuses on precisely what you commit to doing when the urge hits. Let’s say you know that you want a large bowl of ice cream every evening at 9. Plan to get out of the environment that’s connected with ice cream: the couch, Hulu, your scarfing partner.

Just like Pavlov’s dogs, our brain has connected relaxing evenings to ice cream.

So write up a plan that specifically – very specifically to your life – takes you step-by-step through the hardest time of day when the sugar urge hits and detail how you’ll handle it (listen to light jazz? Take a bath? Get into bed and call it a day?).

Let your partner know, “Hey, I just want to give you the heads up, but I won’t be watching Hulu tonight. And it would really help if you wouldn’t eat ice cream around me for the next two weeks.”

As I snuffed out my evening sugar habit, I didn’t just pick one step from my list.

No. I completed all six steps that first week.

Within two weeks my sugar cravings had somewhat calmed down.

By Day 66 (the time my favorite study says it takes to create a habit): the new habit was mine. Today if I want something fun – like birthday cake – I have it in the morning with my coffee. Read more in Brownies for Breakfast.

Make a “step list” for yourself to navigate your cravings.  

Don’t come up with a one-step plan. You need at least five or six ideas to essentially remind yourself about what really matters to you. (And if you’re reading this, I doubt it’s ice cream.)

Tracking your experience is key. These lines are from January 2021 when I wrote down one line about how I was developing my no-sugar habit:

Day One – 1-2-21. Had cake last night for “dinner.” It was my way of saying good-bye to sugar. It needed a funeral.

Day Two – 1-3-21. I did it! The whole plan: I went to bed early with my book. No sugar!

Day Three – 1-4-21. Another success. Going to sleep earlier has helped in so many ways. No sugar.

Day Eight — 1-12-21. Day 10 — Still no dessert!!

And there you have it.

Let me know what habit you’re extinguishing – or bringing to life — using this step-by-step method.

Pearl Two

If anybody thinks that I eat perfectly day in and day out, please allow me to disavow you of this notion.

While it’s true that my plan is to keep my weight within a four pound window, I still have moments when I step off the smart eating path.

So, when my weight heads in the wrong direction, do I beat myself up for whatever I ate or overate? No, not even a little. I see it this way: if being mean to ourselves worked you and I would be a size 4.

Instead I’ve retrained my brain to use supportive self-talk. Learning to talk kindly to yourself is practically a superpower.

So there I was a pound over my “high” weight.

Here’s what I tell myself when I need to strengthen my smart eating habits:

Me: Oh, hell no!! (This one’s my favorite. Oh, hell no! means that there’s no way that I’m returning to my prior weight that included health problems and so forth.)

Me again: Not on my watch!

Still me: “Smart habits first and the weight loss will follow.” (Just thinking about habits reminds me that, if I’m gaining one of my habits is slipping.)

Final me: I decide the number on my pant-size not the Superbowl party, the chocolate Easter eggs, or even pizza by the pool come summer.

Please use my, oh, hell no! Three little words that have played a huge role in helping me keep off 55 lbs.

Pearl Three

I keep this space to write about Thinking Big. I’ll always be in love with the very idea of Thinking Big because it pushes me to go for the gusto when planning my life. OF course it’s true that there’s much we don’t have control over, but it’s also exciting to know that we have control over a lot.

Thinking Big can be as small as, I will read every book my favorite author has written to something huge like, I will author and publish a book. Big-small: I will take that acting class I’ve long thought about. Big-huge: I will be in a movie within the next five years. Big-small: I’ll seriously spruce up my French. Big-huge: I will live in France for at least a year.

I’d love to hear: what are your thinking big plans?

Pearl Four

Over the last month, when it was time for an afternoon snack or light dinner I’d open my fridge’s salad drawer, and come up empty in the leafy greens department. I had a realization. “Real” salad doesn’t have to be lettuce based.


Right. Given my aha moment I pulled out my trusty cucumber and sliced off ten cucumber coins. I placed a handful of petite carrots and cherry tomatoes on the plate next to the cucumbers and finally drizzled all with one teaspoon of olive oil and a added a small blob of ranch dressing. I lightly dip the veggies into the dressing for a smidgen of extra flavor.

Share your coolest aha moments. Learning from each other is a brilliant way to raise our smart-eating game.

Pearl Five

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” – Bruce Lee

Join me in making it a beautiful week!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

My favorite cold tote-bag to carry smart snacks.

My five-star book list.

Pearl Two talks about the best way I know to bring more nurturing into our creative lives.

Welcome to Friday, Thrivers!

If you’re new to living a thriving lifestyle, how about trying it for just one weekend? Say, this weekend?! Begin by journal-writing about what thriving means to you.

In my life, thriving means always on the look-out for ways to take baby steps toward goals that matter to me.

Away we go with our Pearls!

Pearl One

It was 2009 and my husband had anxiety about keeping his job in the ‘08 downturn. We lived in California (pricey), had five-year-old twins (insanely pricey), and were living on the edge financially (what my husband called bleeding money). His company wasn’t paying him market value – which was okay because he wanted the work experience – and was trimming staff.

So when he landed a job in Virginia, we were both stoked. Technically, I was “supposed” to be sad along with my California brethren, but I wasn’t. I was aching to live in a different part of the world and see new sights. And my hub was aching for a better salary.

When a ginormous moving van pulled up to our house in early 2010, we were both elated.

My happy-to-move story is a perfect example of “circumstances” (the downturn) not determining my mental state. I saw needing to get out of Dodge as a positive, not a negative.

In our current recession we can also choose our thoughts about the economy.

Join me in making this not-so-good economy work for us rather than against.

Do you remember during the first several months of the COVID-19 lock down, it was fashionable to let our hair go grey and gain a few? Well, just like then, let’s instead get something wonderful out of this downturn.

Is Fast Food Actually “Food?”

I get that a drive-thru is a fast experience, but one wonders if it serves up actual food? Okay, one doesn’t really wonder. One knows the fast food joints aren’t serving real food (that should be called fast-porn-food). We can debate the point, but I’d likely win.

The truth about our current economic situation means that most of us need to allocate our money differently.

Let’s start by not spending money on fast food drive-thrus (like DQ, Starbucks, McDumb and the like). The companies are charging a small fortune for items, so in a sense we’re paying in two ways:

One: We pay by giving the junk food industry our hard earned for questionable “food.”

And two: We pay later by further embedding a bad habit into our being, rather than strengthening a good one.

Our battle cry: this is our moment in time to develop a no junk food rule; no drive-thrus, no grocery store junk in our carts, and no ginormous restaurant food plates.

Let’s emerge from this not-so-fun economic time with strong habits and a better relationship with food.  

Let’s show them what we’re made of!

Pearl Two

How often do we read an incredible book and remember it’s main tenants decades later? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me. I read Julia Cameron’s bestseller, The Artists Way, a couple of lifetimes back, and I still remember her invention – so to speak – of “morning pages.”

Let me go a step further and say: not only do I remember morning pages, but I continue to write them several times a week. Thrivers, this method has taken me from glum to mellow-yellow on so many days . The best moment for morning pages that I’ve found is when I’m upset at my husband. I want to hash out whatever is bothering me, but he’s either not around or still won’t get what I’m saying anyhow.

That’s when I put it all down on paper.

The essence of morning pages is this: write three pages by hand (I’ve found typing is fine for me) getting everything down on paper that worries, petrifies, or angers you on this particular morning.

The idea is to not only gain clarity about an issue, but to also leave it all on the page so that you can resume giving your precious energy to your day’s activities. I can’t say enough about morning pages. If you’re skeptical, try writing a morning paragraph for five days. You’ll see.

You should also know that beyond morning pages, Cameron writes a page-turner of a book about how to best support our creative lives. This wowza book just hit it’s 25th Anniversary printing.

I am — and will always be — a library-gal at heart, but Atomic Habits (more on this book below) and The Artist’s Way are two that will forever live on my desk giving me an inspirational-boost whenever I need it most.

Pearl Three

Our July topic is habits: how to develop an amazing habit, how to dump an annoying one.

This jewel of as story is from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits:

“After my baseball career ended, I was looking for a new sport. I joined a weightlifting team and one day an elite coach visited our gym. He had worked with thousands of athletes during his long career, including a few Olympians. I introduced myself and we began talking about the process of improvement.

‘What’s the difference between the best athletes and everyone else?’ I asked. ‘What do really successful people do that most don’t?’

He mentioned the factors you might expect: genetics, luck, talent. But then he said something I wasn’t expecting: ‘At some point it comes down to who can handle the boredom of training every day, doing the same lifts over and over and over.’

His answer surprised me because it’s a different way of thinking about work ethic. People talk about getting ‘amped up,’ to work on their goals. Whether it’s business, sports or art, you hear people say things like, ‘it all comes down to passion.’ Or, ‘you have to really want it.’ As a result, many of us get depressed when we lose focus or motivation, because we think successful people have bottomless reserves of passion. But this coach was saying that really successful people feel the same lack of motivation as everyone else. The difference is that they still find a way to show up despite the feelings of boredom.” – Mr. James Clear in his outrageously awesome book, Atomic Habits.

Pearl Four

Food Talk. The very popular Houston TV news anchor, Dominique Sachse, told her You Tube viewers a funny story. When her son was younger and went grocery shopping with her he’d beg– like most kids — for junky foods. So she told her son that if he could pronounce every ingredient on the package, she’d buy it.

Brilliant, right? I tried this method on myself. It totally slays.

Pearl Five

Successful people are successful for one simple reason: they think about failure differently.” — Seth Godin

Oh, man, this quote nails it. The instant we think of failure — in anything — in a new light, the closer we get to forming a better habit. When we turn left instead of right, no biggie, we make a U-turn and head in the “right” direction. Right? 🙂

I’m meeting a group to bike Saturday on a trail that was once a railroad track that’s been turned into a flat — thank goodness — biking trail. Apparently we bike five miles out and five miles back. They say the trail is shady. I hope “they” are right!

What are you doing this weekend to get a bit sweaty? I know it’s hot. Getting out early is the trick.

Have a good one, Thrivers!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

You know the scoop: I am an Amazon affiliate so if you buy something through a link at this site, I may receive a small commission that won’t impact your price at all.

Gorgeous snow dress found at FreyaArtAtelier.

Hello Thrivers!

As you know, I’m not a fan of “losing for Thanksgiving,” where after the guests go home we head for the rocky road. I’m certain that how we engage with food is the only way to say buh-bye to the endless yo-yo lifestyle (and when I say goodbye, I mean forever).

Also, if you haven’t yet read these two habit books, if I were a billionaire, I’d send each of you these books. They are absolutely awesome. The first is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Both books have spent forever on the top bestseller lists.

I am proposing a Holiday Health & Weight loss Challenge.

Take a look.

Pearl One

The conductor stands outside of the train and asks Hero Boy,

Conductor: “Well… you coming?”
Hero Boy: “Where?”
Conductor: “Why to the North Pole, of course! This is the Polar Express!”

At that our hero shakes his head no, but as the train moves away something grips the boy inside and — realizing he’s about to miss something very interesting — he runs hard for the train that’s gaining speed, and jumps aboard just in time.

And now I am asking you, “well, you coming?”

We have 16 days to hop-scotch our way to Thanksgiving.

After Thanksgiving we have five more weeks (and two days) to hopscotch to Christmas. And then we have seven days after Christmas until New Year’s Day.

How would you like to wake up feeling on January 1?

Can you live now for the benefit of January one-you?

I’m getting slight chills as I type because this will be fun! I’ll be honest, I’m not in love with the word “challenge” because it indicates – to me at least – the idea of winners and losers. That’s not us.

I don’t want anyone left behind. I could have called this idea a “weight challenge,” because I know that’s what you most care about: the scale going down.

And I understand. I remember well the mornings of fury that came from stepping on a scale and seeing an abysmal number. Not a fun moment, not a fun rest of the day either.

So, when it comes to the scale, I won’t tell you what to do.

I’ll just tell you what I did. Initially (for the first two or three years) when I started losing in earnest, I put the scale away. In my heart I was going with the idea that shifting my habits would lead me to the pot of gold.

And, it did.

Think of it this way: you’ve weighed yourself in the morning for years. Leashing yourself to a morning weigh-in hasn’t been that effective, right?

But when we strengthen our food habits, the scale will follow.

How can it not? (A great journaling prompt btw.)

So our Late Summer/Fall Extravaganza-Challenge is about developing rock-solid habits that will enter our lives to be our forever allies.

If we have 16 days until Thanksgiving, I’m proposing that we plan to create two habits that matter to each of us (we’ll all be slightly different); and for the remaining month of November focusing on those two habits (see Pearl Two and Three for more info. on focusing).

Ask yourself: what would January one-me be thrilled about? The plan is to begin embedding — in our heart and souls — two strong new habits that will strengthen our weight and health plans for ourselves forever (we’ll continue these two new habits throughout September, but for now, focus on September first).

I deeply believe that losing quickly is the goofiest notion pushed by the diet industry. In the comments below, list which two habits you’d love to begin embedding by November 24.

Here are mine:

  1. Habit one: I will roast veggies early in the day to eat as a tiny dinner at 6 p.m. each night.
  2. Habit two: I will get back to eating my oatmeal bowl everyday (this habit had to be set aside when I started a liquid diet to heal my inner cheek that I bit. Braces-related.)

Climb aboard, you’re just in time.

Pearl Two

Guideline suggestions for your two new habits. Both habits you choose need to be chunked down and do-able. We know from experience that attempting to create huge, sweeping change only lasts as long as we grit our teeth and willpower our way through a new habit.

Not a recipe for habit success.

Let’s plan to incorporate small habits — that are actually huge — that are reasonable, ones we can stick with once we hit the “messy middle” and want to stop (or “forget”). These are the types of habits I’m talking about:

  • “I roast veggies and have them for my tiny dinner.”
  • If I have a habit of eating sugar throughout the day, “I limit sugar to evenings only.
  • If I’d like to eat tiny dinners, “I have a teensy meal by 6:30 p.m. and then stop eating.”
  • If after dinner I raid the kitchen and feel awful the next morning, “I go to bed early with an excellent book and I print out — and use — the following for kicking a bad habit (here).
  • I carry food in my cold tote bag every day and don’t eat fast food.
  • I eat a small bowl of petite carrots each day.
  • Notice how I use the present-tense? I don’t say: I plan to do X, or I wish I could do X, it’s “I eat a small bowl of petite carrots each day. You already have the skill, now you’re turning the skill into a habit (two totally different things).

Pearl Three

A new month and a new topic for Pearl Three! This month is perfect for talking journaling. You know why? Because journaling is the best way I know how to stay committed to a long distance goal.

I say this often because I know it to be true: your brain is so much more awesome than you’ve given it credit for. When you face difficulty or want to create something spectacular for yourself, give the job to your brain. Your brain will take you where you want to go.

One of the ways we keep ourselves focused on the goal — to create amazing habits — is through the written word.

Here’s one key to establishing a habit: write out your goal 15 times each day. Like, I eat a bowl of petite carrots every day; I eat a bowl of petite carrots every day; I eat a bowl of petite carrots every day.

After you write your 15, then journal about your two habits: what’s hard about establishing my habit today? If I slip — because of course — how do I bring myself back in alignment with my habit-goals? What new cues do I need to bring my new habit to life? (Ex: one way is to leave a bowl of petite carrots wrapped in cellophane where you can see it in the fridge so you can’t “forget” to eat them.)

Speaking of forgetting, I’ll write an entire pearl on the topic, but for now ask yourself: how do I remember to engage with my habit on a daily basis (knowing that “forgetting” is how I allow myself to ease out of a new plan when it becomes difficult or boring)?

Pearl Four

Food! You’ve got to be a coffee lover for this tip to work. Most mornings I make coffee in my large French press (sometimes I make the coffee the night before and leave it in the fridge). I add the coffee and ice cubes to the blender and then add a scoop of vanilla protein powder. I whir it up for at least a minute to make sure that nothing is lumpy because bleck-o.

Then I pour the drink over ice into my giant sippy cup (with a straw). And voila! I have a really tasty vanilla coffee.

Pearl Five

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” — Anonymous

Speaking of the “messy middle” I think I’m in it right now with kayaking. It’s a bit of a drive to get to the lake, and then last night the clouds were looking ominous, but we decided to go for it. It was wonderful for about fifteen minutes, and then it started to sprinkle (how amazing, I thought).

Then it rained harder giant raindrops splatting onto the lake; a gorgeous sight, nature in full splendor. And then, a rainbow appeared!! We were all so excited. It was funny to see the ducks gliding along — clearly not phased by the rain — and as if to say, “humans are so weird.”

But then it kept pouring and in a flash it wasn’t fun anymore. I paddled back to shore and drove home soaked to the bone.

While any activity will hit the “messy middle” learning how to navigate the terrain once the newness wears off is vital for our lives. Last night’s kayaking started magically, became chilly, but will forever go down as one of the best experiences ever.

Plan to create two habits you’d like to focus on for the rest of November. Share your habits in the comments below or write to me:

Let’s make it a productive fall together!!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

I’ve been asked if I could include something like Buy me a Coffee on the Inspired Eater. So if you feel up to sending a coffee, I am a devotee. You’ll find the coffee “button” to your right. And, as always, thank you so much for reading the Inspired Eater. ♥♥♥

Not me.

Pearl One

You and I share something in common: we eat because we’re emotionally not doing well. We might be really down, frantic, furious, or even indifferent (as in, I am so tired of such-and-such, I barely care anymore).

And that’s when we head for something that will dull our emotions a bit (in our case, means calories).

The other thing we have in common, is that you and I are smart. Of course we know that a second bowl of rocky road solves nothing.


But today we’re not talking about our good, common sense. We’re talking about the part of our brain that uses food to soothe. In therapy-land, they call it the “inner child” which is okay, but I prefer “cave woman.” The cave woman is the primal part of our brain that’s in place to keep you and me alive. Mess with our survival too much, and in a nano she comes to the front to take charge of the perilous situation in which she finds us.

Take sky diving. Many love the adrenaline rush, but if I were to go up in a plane with a parachute? My cave woman would be screaming, you are so dumb! You’re trying to fling us out of an airplane?!

When we’re in cave woman-mode, we have a strong tendency to “eat our troubles away.” The cave woman is the part of our brain that reacts from a place of terror. If we could see the cave woman in real-time, we’d see her cowering in the corner dreading what might come next.

Our inner cave woman doesn’t “have the butterflies.” She has the Wicked Witch’s flying monkeys who are dive bombing her.

The cave woman also shows up for other intense emotions like boredom, grief, and fury.

 Her feelings are real, take them seriously. Food really does chillax her, at least for the moment.

The trick is to slowly – s l o w l y – create new, positive habits that calm down our poor cave girl; a habit that won’t also annihilate her waistline.

Get to know your cave woman-brain — and your prefrontal, common sense-brain too — by journal-writing the heck out of this topic. If you want writing prompts for getting to know your cave woman better, just email me at:

Having a cave woman is just part of being human. She’ll always be with us; learning how to calm her in ways that don’t involve food (or cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs) is our work of a lifetime.

Can someone actually turn off the food!! part of our brain when something goes wonky? It takes time to embed great habits, but a million times yes.

Pearl Two

Today I’m sharing my three most favorite blog posts. And, if you have a favorite, I’d love to hear!

I believe – I know – that massive action is real. I think Tony Robbins coined the term, but I’d been using the method for years before I knew it had a name.

As long as we live in the realm of the reasonable (for example, I’ll never be a Russian ballerina), massive action isn’t woo-woo at all, it can uplevel our lives. Take a look:

How Massive Action Creates Serious Weight Loss

This is one of my favorite topics. There’s a school of therapy that focuses on past wounding and trauma. I’m paraphrasing but the idea is that as we deeply grieve the wound or trauma with a kind and astute therapist guiding our way, we’ll eventually stop using food, cigarettes, alcohol or drugs (not to mention all of the other things that humans can get addicted to).

But in my case, I spent many a year grieving, and it didn’t impact my weight in the least. In fact, during my “therapy decade” I just continued to gain until I was at my heaviest.

On the other hand, the following posts talk about the very bedrock on which my weight loss and maintenance rests.

The Therapy that Really Fueled my Weight Loss

I just love this following post. I use it’s main premise all the time.

Love, Love, Love this Metaphor for Sticking with Smart Eating

It would mean the world to me if you’d share which posts speak the most to you in the comment section below! I’d love to share the list in next week’s Pearls.

Pearl Three

Our July topic is habits: how to develop an amazing habit, how to dump an annoying one.

This week I had my own aha-moment. Maybe everyone knows about this aha, but me.

Here goes.

I’ve noticed that when I’m trying to establish a new, positive gung-ho habit it takes me time to settle into the new “whatever” I’m trying to do.

I realized that I don’t adjust as quickly as the average bear. And I’ve always seen my tendency as a negative. For example, consider my new kayaking activity. On the first evening I kayaked, I thought, okay this is interesting, but it’s a long drive to get the lake. I wasn’t sure I’d rush back to kayaking. The second time I kayaked my friend couldn’t make it so I was on the water alone. Nothing dangerous, there were plenty of people around, but I didn’t have anyone to yak with.

But this week — being my third evening of kayaking — I had a blast. I felt very comfortable in the little boat itself. My friend was there too. During the paddle, I took off trying to find where our city’s river met with our kayaking lake; I also love watching the birds; and talking to the other kayakers. It was awesome.

I will be rushing back to kayaking. 🙂

Driving home I thought, hmm I need time to adjust before I feel comfortable in any new activity or venue or what-have-you. I know that some people need far less time than I do, while others need far more time before settling in.

Everyone adjusts at their own pace and that’s perfectly okay.

So that’s my kayaking takeaway: any time I’m trying something new – a recipe, a vacation B&B, a new software program – I need time to adjust. Rushing like I once did doesn’t help at all.

From now on, I’m aiming to try the new something while giving myself the time and space to adjust before I determine, I don’t like this, it’s just not me.  From now on I’ll say to myself, let’s give ourselves the luxury of time before we pass judgement one way or the other.

What about you? Do you have a full-on honeymoon with a new thing or do you need time to adjust?

Pearl Four

As you know, I’m back in braces (well, Invisilign), and boring story, short: I’ve bitten my inner lip. To give it time to heal I’ve been drinking a lot of smoothies. Like, a lot, a lot of smoothies.

No, not my green smoothie. I’ve been making a strawberry or blueberry smoothie. And may I just say, yum!

I use four food items to make my smoothie wonderful:

Into the blender I throw:

  • A cup or more of frozen strawberries (or blueberries).
  • One frozen banana (half is fine if it’s all you’ve got, and room temp is fine too).
  • ¼ cup of Kroger brand vanilla yogurt (or any yogurt you love).
  • One to two cups of almond, oat or real low fat milk (again, your preference).
    • I really should throw a cup of spinach leaves in too (I’m getting there).

I whir it all up and shazam, I have one heck of a delicious smoothie.

Pearl Five

Anyone can find dirt on themselves, be the one that finds the gold.” – Robert Frost

This post — particularly Pearl One — is talking about the everyday angst of life. If you’re feeling a much deeper depression and/or anxiety, overcome a very natural feeling of reluctance and have a sit down with your GP or a therapist. And always keep in mind that finding the right therapist can mean interviewing several. It’s not easy job for anyone, but it’s well worth it if you need to talk something out.

I had 100 things to do this week, but I pushed myself to go kayaking — as I might have mentioned — and just ten seconds on the water, I was having a fantastic time.

Have a “push” weekend, Thrivers!!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

He was using intermittent fasting, but eating half of an entire cherry pie during his “open eating window.”

Photo by Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Hello Thrivers!

It’s important to read the Aunt Bea booklet or the Inspired Eater won’t make much sense. You’ll find her to your right in the box under my circle bio. She’s supposed to land in your email, but sometimes she ends up in spam. If you lost her just let me know: and I’ll shoot her right to you!

Let’s talk pearls.

Pearl One

Truth be told, we’ve fallen in love with ‘diets.’ We revel in a long honeymoon with the newest eating plan for weeks or even months.

But eventually the Debbie-downer scientists get involved and study our beloved only to conclude that the plan is a no-go, and we’ve been led astray. Our response: honeymoon over, we’re done, and we return to our former (train-wreck) eating patterns.

Welcome to what intermittent fasting (IF) is facing this year. We were high as a kite with IF’s potential until the scientists mucked everything up by (recently) saying that it doesn’t actually work.

And yet here’s the thing: IF is absolutely fine as long as we pair IF with developing Smart Eating habits too.

Consider a guy I know who was thrilled to hear about IF. In the beginning he ate on a six-hour window and lost more weight than he’d expected. But then ‘something happened’ and the weight showed up again. So he closed his eating window to just five hours (noon to 5 p.m.)

Last I heard, even the five-hour window ‘wasn’t working.’

But turns out that during his open window, this man was gorging on Big Macs, full-sized cherry pies, cheesecake, pizza and the like.

The real trouble with this man and IF is that as he lost he wasn’t also developing better ways of engaging with food.

And that’s the piece the scientists don’t include in their equation. It’s vital that — as we lose — we also learn to navigate our food-porn culture; come to terms with our own overeating ways, and plan to live a Smart Eating Lifestyle that’s vibrant for the long game.

Pearl Two

What is a skill? I consulted the dictionary which says, the definition of a skill is a talent or ability that comes from training or practice.

‘That comes from training or practice.’


Then I took a look at the description for ‘habit’: ‘a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition: she made a habit of going to bed early.’

Wow. So training/practice + frequent repetition of new behavior = ironclad habits.

What new skill are you developing this summer?

Pearl Three

In June, this slot is kept for talking about the poison of perfectionism. I have it. You have it. The only ones in our culture who don’t have it are our sweet, furry darlings.


Wouldn’t it be sad, if our little guys mused with gloom, I’m an okay Shih Tzu, but there are better. Even that mix around the corner is more adorable than me.

Let’s begin with a couple of examples and my perfectionism point will make more sense.

Imagine we buy a new car. She’s a beauty: red, shiny and gorgeous. Months later we notice that she has a scratch here, a ding there bumming us out no end leaving us thinking, I give up! This is why I can’t have nice cars. It must be me: I’m just too old to learn new car-tricks. And with that, we give up Red and revert to our old beat-up truck.

One More

You might remember that I woke up on the first of January (2022) to Covid. It wasn’t fun, but at the end of the month can you imagine me thinking, that’s it! The year is ruined. Nothing good will happen in 2022. And for the next 11 months I live in Eeyore-mode.

This example might seem silly, but this is exactly what we do after we’ve overeaten. We give up on the Smart Eating Path.

Here’s the deal: we are going to slip and overeat cake, or raid the freezer, or inhale the oatmeal cookies. It’s part of this trek we’re on: to lose after age 50. You and I are normal humans for overdoing the calories.

The only piece that matters at all is how we respond to the slip.

Pearl Four

Recently I wrote about frozen bananas and what a delicious base they make for faux-ice cream. A reader wrote saying that she doesn’t like bananas.

J. writes . . .

I REALLY wish I could get past the smell/ taste/ texture of bananas because I would love to have an ice cream alternative to enjoy all summer long. Dairy free alternatives are so hard to find!

There’s been an explosion in dairy-free ‘ice creams’, and let me tell you: they’re spectacular. Thankfully they’re pricey. Our only hope is to have some for breakfast, lol, which I detail here.

However — in all seriousness — if this type of dessert leads to binging, forgo it all together.

I found these non-dairy babies at Kroger.

So Delicious. I more than sampled their salted caramel cluster made with cashew milk. My review: O.M.G. Do yourself a favor and never buy this one. Nothing to see here, just move along. Serving: 2/3 cup, calories: 260, fat: 15 g, fiber: 1 gram, carb: 31 g.

Ben and Jerry’s. You know something’s afoot when these guys are in the game. I taste-tested their Netflix Chilll’d that blends peanut butter surprise cream (almond milk) with salty pretzel swirls and fudge brownie. Wonderful, but the Ben and Jerry’s has way more calories and fat than the better tasting Salted Caramel Cluster above. Serving; 2/3 cup, calories: 380, fat: 22 g, fiber: less than 1 g, carbs: 44 g.

Oatly. Devotees rave about Oatley so I’m guessing specific flavors might deliver more of a kick. I tried the oat milk and coffee, if you serve this dessert as ice cream, nobody would know the difference. Oatlys came in at the lowest calories. Serving: 2/3 cup, calories: 210, fat: 12 g, 1 g, carbs: 24 g.

Just saying: If you’re weaning yourself off a stubborn ice cream habit, these surprise creams might be a great way to start.

A hearty thank you to J. for alerting me to a new food item that I now need to avoid like the plague.

Pearl Five

What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.” – Jeremy Binns

Have a beautiful weekend, Thrivers! And please feel free to ask questions via the comment section below or by emailing me at:

With love and support,

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

I’ve been asked if I could include something like Buy me a Coffee on the Inspired Eater. So if you feel up to sending a coffee, I am a devotee. You’ll find the coffee “button” to your right. And, as always, thank you so much for reading the Inspired Eater. ♥♥♥

Nothing gets me up at zero dark thirty, except for this one thing.

Hello Thrivers!

Have you read the Aunt Bea booklet? It’s important to read her or this blog won’t make much sense. You’ll find her to your right in the box under my circle bio. She’s supposed to land in your email, but sometimes she ends up in spam. If you lost her just let me know: and I’ll shoot her right to you!

Onto our pearls!

Pearl One  

Why and how to deepen your ‘why.’ If we’re not chewing on our ‘why’ several times a day, we’re not strengthening our ‘why’ and receiving the full benefit. We want to be one with our ‘why’ because that is where all the motivation comes from.

For example, I’m not getting up at 5 in the bleeping morning for any reason. I need my sleep without it, I’m a zombie.


Oh, right, except for that time when I excitedly woke up super early before the kids, packed the minivan with The Scarfer, put our two little Firecrackers into their car seats, and set out for Florida’s Legoland.

You see? I had a strong ‘why’ for getting up when it was still dark.

These days The Firecrackers are 19, and trips without them are my new ‘why.’ (Haha, I kid.)

But my current ‘why’ for staying on the Smart Eating path has changed a bit. Today my overarching ‘why’ is that I want to be as healthy and strong as possible for my future family: the grand dogs, grand kids, The Scarfer, my boys, everyone.

Which is a tough ‘why’ because working for something that happens years in the future isn’t that motivational for me on a day-to-day basis.

So, since my today’s ‘why’ can be a tad nebulous, I add a strong amendment. I don’t have health issues that are made better by sitting on the couch and watching Hulu (sadly), so it’s imperative that I maintain an active lifestyle.

(That’s another thing: what I once called ‘working out,’ I now call ‘an active lifestyle.’)

Recently a Thriver wrote and said, ‘We don’t have to work out, we get to work out.’ I love the distinction. How we think about an activity and what we call it forms the basis for how we engage with the activity.

The Takeaway

Journal-write about your ‘why’ and write long enough that you get down to the nitty-gritty on why your ‘why’ matters so very much to you. Plan to write (or type) for a while before the real gems come spilling out.

Journal-writing about our whys and wants and questions and frustrations is the most inexpensive form of therapy available – and quite possibly the most powerful.

Pearl Two

A good question to ask yourself before diving into food: Is this behavior adding to my Smart Eating habit or subtracting from it?

Take me this morning. I woke up on time, had my fun little breakfast – see Brownies for Breakfast for more info – and all was well in my world. After two hours of writing I made coffee and proceeded to go on the hunt for something cake-ish.

At that, my prefrontal brain took over saying, no, you’ve already had breakfast.

So, then the cave woman in me replied, who would even know? It won’t hurt anything to have a cupcake.

Prefrontal brain: If you eat a cupcake now, you won’t be hungry for lunch. And that’s the deal: you can have what you want for breakfast, but you have to stop by 9 a.m. and be hungry for lunch at noonish.

My cave woman: Big damn deal.

Prefrontal me to cave woman: Ask yourself, is having a cupcake adding to my strong habits or subtracting from them?

Cave woman: Subtracting.

Prefrontal: Try playing with Max – our attention-hound kitty – for ten minutes and then see how you feel.

Ten minutes later: I don’t want to ruin my lunch.

And with that, the prefrontal brain is back at the command center.

Pearl Three

In June, I’m keeping this slot for talking about the poison of perfectionism. It appears to me that while our culture — in public — trounces ‘perfectionism,’ in private it’s a whole nother story. We drive ourselves nuts attempting to be perfect. Because if we worry that if we’re not perfect a catastrophe will descend.

Perfectionism is dangerous because it worms its way into our Smart Eating lives in stealth mode; we don’t even realize what’s happening until perfectionism has become a way of life for us.

And getting a handle on our own perfectionism is no picnic. Our neighbors drive slick cars, perfect people are everywhere on TV and social media; our homes look lovely (as long as nobody goes upstairs) and so on.

I once knew a mom in our kids’ playgroup who wore her one-karat diamond engagement ring with pride. Until another mom moved into her neighborhood with a two-karat. So, guess what one-karat did? Yep, she started appearing with her own two-karat (attempting to be perfect lead her to buy the two-karat).

Given that our culture is oriented to having things and more things and more and more things, it’s no wonder that we’ve fallen into the perfectionism trap. So let’s not be hard on ourselves. The perfect (seeming) world is all we’ve ever known.

Beginning to notice perfectionism appears in your life is the first step to rooting it out. I doubt it’s human to entirely rid oneself of perfectionism altogether. Wouldn’t that be us trying to be perfect in ridding ourselves of being perfect?! lol!

Just start noticing when you’re being particularly hard on yourself and journal-write freestyle about how perfectionism has taken root in your life.

Pearl Four  

Back in the ‘80s and ‘90s ‘the experts’ seemed to work overtime to find fault with coffee; they were trying to figure out which horrific disease or terrible disorder coffee caused.

Each time a new study came out, I held my breath and when nothing came of the latest study thought, phew. Made it through another one.

Fast forward to May 2022, and a study on coffee came out that followed a whopping 171,616 participants (mean age of 55.6 years), and reported phenomenal news.

Among other benefits, regular coffee drinking decreases cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, Type 2 diabetes, and three cancers (colorectal, uterine and liver).

The Mayo Clinic recommends drinking at least two cups a day, adding that four cups – a max. of 400 milligrams – is even better.

Of course, this study isn’t referring to milkshakes bought at Starbucks, this was a ‘black or a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee’ study. (Yes, you read that right. If you like one teaspoon of sugar in your coffee you’re also good-to-go.)

So, that’s a no to Starbucks and a giant yes to home-coffee!

Pearl Five

Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Elizabeth Archer

Below you will see my first foray into kayaking. Very, very fun.

I highly recommend doing something outside of your wheelhouse.

Have a beautiful journal-writing weekend, everyone!

♥, Wendy

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

I am not an expert, a doctor, a surgeon, a nurse or a nutritionist: the information within is based solely on my personal experience and is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Listening to my instructor.

Please let’s forget the past the future looks bright ahead! Let’s live differently, riskier, happier.

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to April! As always it’s important to read the Aunt Bea booklet. You’ll find her to your right in the box under my circle bio. She’s supposed to land in your email, but sometimes she ends up in spam. If you lost her just let me know: and I’ll shoot her right to you! 🙂

On with the show!

This article first appeared in SixtyandMe.

Pearl One

I told myself, this time will be different. And it was, but only because I was different.

Here’s how it unfolded.

Like so many of us, I’d lost weight before – from kid-hood into my mid-30s – only to find the pounds pile back on again and again.

However, this time would be different because while – of course – I wanted to lose, my primary mission was new: I was going to figure out which habits I most needed to preserve my hard-won loss.

I was done losing weight only to go back to square one. Done. Done. Done.

My new plan – after doing a ton of research — was to train my brain to embed healthier eating habits that would last forever. And as I did, it became obvious to me that while we’re constantly admonished to “eat this, not that,” the so-called experts know little about how our powerful brains affect overeating itself; that whatever we put into our mouth is merely the end result of a sophisticated cognitive process.

I started to have a sneaking suspicion that changing our thoughts might change our results.

My Favorite Thinking Tool.

Of the mind shifts I made while losing, my favorite tool was what I ended up calling the Cycle of Overeating.

Using the cycle meant that I could pinpoint where I was on the pie-chart at any given moment, and thereby make a better intervention and – with practice – change the final outcome.

Pearl Two

When I’m talking overeating I’m not talking about a slice of cheesecake after dinner. By overeating I mean binging an entire cheesecake after everyone has gone to bed.

Take a look:

Cycle of Overeating

The Purple Slice.

The purple slice represents our feelings (e.g., we’re thrilled, angry, disgusted and so forth). Some might have one feeling only that triggers overeating, while others can experience a bevy of strong feelings and head straight for the Easter candy (me).

As an example, let’s say that our trigger-feeling is jubilance. When we’re in the purple slice, here’s how our internal self-talk might go, I may have landed the job!! If I did, I deserve to party!!

We’re at the squiggly-trigger line when we receive the actual call saying, “You’re hired!!”

It’s Not Easy Being Green.

At that, we bounce into the green where we overeat because we “deserve” it: we might party alone in front of Hulu with a towering bowl of ice cream, or go out with friends and face plant into a massive margarita and entree at our favorite Mexican.

It’s important to note that overeating isn’t just an “at home in secret, alone” activity. We can also overeat at parties, restaurants, with the gang at lunch, at the movie theater and so on.

And Finally: Rude-Red.

After satiating a craving, we’re then hurled into the red slice where our powerful pre-frontal brains – finally awake – growl, what have you done?! We were doing so well on our healthy eating plan, and you go and ruin it. Don’t even look at me. I’m so fed up.

A very rude pre-frontal.

In response to our brain’s anger, we either clamp down hard on ourselves, expecting nothing less than perfection as we attempt to make zero mistakes on our eating plan, or we utterly give up (I’m done trying. Women over 50 just can’t drop weight. Wendy probably had lipo anyway.).

When we go the “perfection” route, we eventually give up anyhow. We might eat “perfectly” for five or six days, but when real life intrudes, we’re back to “messing up” again.

Days, weeks, months or even years later we again try a new eating plan only to hop back onto The Cycle of Overeating once more.

And on it goes.

Pearl Three

In March I used this pearl slot to talk about using time for our own best outcome. In April we’ll talk: “Let’s Live Differently”.

How to Step Off the Cycle.

Leaving the cycle in your dust isn’t a “one and done” thing (I wish). It’s more the work of a lifetime: when we’re besieged by cravings here’s how to use the cycle:

  • Become crystal clear about which emotions trigger you (if they all trigger you, that’s important to know too).
  • Learn to identify where you are on the cycle so you can step in and create a new experience for yourself. (I’m super sad; I haven’t been triggered yet, but I’m getting close.)
  • Establish new responses for your trigger emotions (it was life-altering when I realized that taking a page-turner to bed was more fun than inhaling Oreos in the evening).
  • Developing reliable ways to stay clear of the red slice. When we beat-up on ourselves for being in the green slice (overeating), it’s like screaming and yelling, and expecting perfection from your fur-kids. You wouldn’t be awful to your fur-baby, so don’t be awful to yourself.
  • I’ve said it a gazillion times: if being cruel to ourselves worked, we’d all be a size 4. When I have a green experience I’m extra kind to myself. I might buy flowers for my desk, do my nails or brush my kitty. Being good to ourselves will catapult us out of rude-red. Seriously.

If it’s seemed to you as if losing weight is super hard, that’s because losing weight is super hard.

But here’s the kicker: it’s okay to tell ourselves that this time we’re living differently. Forever we’ve been encouraged to look for answers to our weight issues in the wrong place (what we put into our mouths) when – all along – we had the glittering treasure that is our brain with us the entire time. (Sorry, didn’t mean to go Glinda the Good on you.)

Pearl Four

Food! I have a gum story. About eight years ago, I’d unwrap a piece of sugary bubble gum in the afternoons and chomp it until dinner. Minimal calories. Seemed harmless enough. Turns out, full of harm. Chewing that gum every day for months, maybe even years (I can’t remember), and one day my jaw locked up. No pain, thankfully, but I’d given myself TMJ. Of course I stopped chewing gum immediately hoping that would help. Nothing helped.

It sure would have been cool to have one less creaking, cracking body part to deal with. My TMJ bugs me in particular because I can see directly how I caused it.

All this is to say, those small sticks or chunks of gum might look innocent and sweet, but danger lurks. Don’t be like me, stay vigilant! ♥

Pearl Five

Pay attention to your patterns. The ways you learned to survive may not be the ways you want to continue to live.” – Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis

I have a request: if you’ve been reading the Inspired Eater for awhile, I’d love to hear your story. Which posts spoke to you? Which posts seem kind of lame? And if you’ve only been reading for a short stretch, I’d love to hear why you’ve jumped on board. I’d appreciate everyone’s feedback so much because most of the time it’s just me and the cursor. 🙂

My tiny wrinkled babies turn 19 this weekend. They want to have a picnic-dinner in one of their favorite climbing trees in our suburb’s downtown. Yes, a picnic. In the tree. I’m like, “I love you both, but I will be at the picnic table beneath the tree.” They might’ve grown, but they’re still kids at heart. (Staying goofy appears to be the foundation to a happy life.)

Make it a beautiful, goofy weekend!

♥, Wendy

P.S. Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you first read the Aunt Bea post (and you’ll find Aunt Bea on this page to the right under my short bio). On your cell you’ll see it immediately following the first post. After you enter your email address, the Aunt Bea article will be sent to your email’s inbox. If it’s not there, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

I’ve been asked if I could include something like Buy me a Coffee on the Inspired Eater. So if you feel up to sending a coffee, I am a devotee. You’ll find the coffee “button” to your right. And, as always, thank you so much for reading the Inspired Eater. ♥♥♥

.Hello Trippers,

Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you read the Aunt Bea post (you’ll find her to the right under my short bio). After you enter your email address, Aunt Bea will be sent to your inbox. If it didn’t arrive, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

Pearl One

Last week my techie husband and I were driving to a new locale. At one point the GPS stopped talking, and my hub said, “Give it a second, it’s trying to get a satellite connection.”

I responded in a princess voice, “But I want my satellite connection nnnnowwww.”

As a culture we’re a bunch of speed-freaks. We love a good ‘overnight success’ story. We want our cars fast, and the car’s a/c to be even faster. We don’t want to wait long in the drive-thru, or if we do we’re likely to pull out of line — in a huff — to find a shorter drive-thru wait.

We like our light ‘at the speed of’ and we all carry a small computer in our hand bag that allows us to talk with anyone, anywhere, anytime with a lightning fast connection.

So it comes as no surprise that when diet-headlines and diet books have long promised, “Lose Belly Fat in Ten Days” we’ve had a tendency to believe them.

But if we’re to get down to bare-bones reality: cool, awesome and spectacular don’t arrive with Amazon speed. Nobody learns piano or a foreign language with a few months of practice. We don’t create a successful business in twelve months. And we definitely won’t lose anywhere near what the headlines have long promised.

And that’s okay because wrapped into the ‘lose belly fat in 10 days” is the message from the company: you need weight loss to be easy, and we need your money. Their underlying message: if it’s not easy, you can’t do it. Seriously condescending.

Don’t be swayed by ‘easy.’ Keep your cash, expect losing after 50 to be hard, and get annoyed at those proclaiming losing after 50 is effortless.

Because inherent in my message: We’re smart, we’re resilient, and you and I can do super hard things.

Pearl Two

I turned a corner the moment I realized I had to make smart eating one of my life’s highest priorities.

I couldn’t just ‘hope for the best.’ I needed to make the decision that my food-life was taking a drastic turn.

There’s magic behind making the decision. One moment you’re you, and in a blink you’re walking into the next chapter of your life.

Turn your corner. Don’t hope. Decide.

Pearl Three

In June, I’m using this slot for talking about the poison of perfectionism. It’s a funny thought that no matter how often the idea of perfectionism is trounced, the very notion of perfectionism continues to live on in our world.

Albeit quietly.

Meaning: are you a closet-perfectionist? You know, someone who – in public — professes to disdain the idea of reaching for perfect, but is always attempting perfection in private?

Here’s my take on shooting for perfect: we assume that others are better than we are. Deep down we worry that quite possibly we’re a defective human being so therefore have to be perfect to fit in. Apparently God made a huge mistake when He made our model. Everyone else has their lives ‘together,’ but not us.

Fabulous news: nobody has their lives ‘together.’ Everybody is moving through life like bumper cars.

In attempting to be perfect when we’re losing after 50, we’re setting the bar insanely high. Let’s be real. We’re human beings.

Of course we’ll slip-up on smart eating. Slips are merely part of being human. Expect losing after 50 to be tremendously difficult because with the right mindset we’ll tackle the trek with the best tools, habits, and planning.

Pearl Four

If your sweet-tooth tends to run wild, do I have a smart eating hack for you. I found it on about a zillion different food blogs:

I give you: Banana — they call it — nice Cream.

Take a ripe banana, slice into coins, and freeze them flat for two hours. (Or freeze banana halves overnight.) Then whir frozen banana in blender to make soft-serve texture (I also add a splash of almond milk).

At one time I made frozen banana ‘ice cream’ regularly. You can be creative: add strawberries, coffee, peppermint, vanila and more to make different flavors.

So awesome that you won’t ‘need’ ice cream all summer!

Pearl Five

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

Have a beautiful start to June. See you on Tuesday!

♥, Wendy

Our developing habits are as precious and fragile as a small kitten. Photo by The Lucky Neko on Unsplash

Does it help to know that you’re not alone? Because you’re so not alone; and just like a garden that needs to be regularly tended; how we engage with food is an ongoing endeavor, never a one-and-done.

I’ve been having just one heck of a time these last few weeks.

Take a look.

Pearl One

As you know, I’m writing a book. We’ll call this chapter: How Wondrous Eating Habits Can Tank in Just Two Weeks. I’ve mentioned that due to my veneers (braces), I’d bit the skin on each side of my inner cheek. It hurt to eat or talk.

Nothing worked, so finally I went on an all-liquid diet. You can probably guess what happened next.

My gateway drug were the delicious blueberry smoothies I’d whip up for myself daily. But predictable story, short:  My smoothies slid me straight into mainlining vanilla shakes: at DQ (three), Chick-fil-A (4), and Wendy’s (1).

I even told the scarfer to pick up ice cream at Kroger with no candy or nuts, because everything had to be soft.

Turns out, in those two weeks, I ate/slurped more ice cream than I’ve had in the last two decades total. I told myself that I had to drink shakes, that my mouth wouldn’t heal otherwise. And — jeez — I couldn’t walk around half-starved for two weeks. (My cave woman was running the show. See how wily she can be? When we’re justifying our unwise behavior that’s when we know our prefrontal brain is being completely ignored.)

Truth is, I’ve never been much of a shake/ ice cream person. In the past when we stopped at DQ, I might order a kid-cone or nothing at all. But sad for me, B. in Oregon mentioned that the small shakes at DQ were awesome and so I gave it a go and OMG!! (Suzanne Somers’s right: food is better than sex.)

Guess how fast my shake-ice-cream-habit took hold?

That’s right. In a fricken’ instant.

It’s amazing how programmed our brains are to suss out calories and consume for the long winter that’s coming. Our cave woman brain doesn’t know when she’ll get another chance to eat, so she goes for it in earnest.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve gone cold turkey off the hard stuff. I’m okay at home because I simply asked the Scarfer not to bring ice cream into the house.

But being the Pavlovian dog that I am, every time I get back into my car I’m pondering the awesomeness that is a a vanilla shake.

To be clear, my sores are long gone at this point. I can go back to crunching through my oatmeal bowl and salads, but I ask you: who wants to go back to that when you can have a vanilla fast food shake?

My point: I had eight shakes total and in that time I’d obliterated my decades-long habits?! Appears so. Great eating habits take time to instill and can be vanquished in a second.

But fabulous news, putting good habits back in place is way easier today than it was years back.

Smart eating habits are like a tiny, darling kitten who must be protected, nurtured, and appreciated. No matter how many sores are crying out for soft ice cream, give in and you’re allowing the cave woman to rule your life. Ask your prefrontal brain to come up with a better plan than ice cream for the sores. And — don’t underestimate her — she’ll produce gem upon gem of phenomenal ideas.

Pearl Two

A friend who’d survived childhood trauma couldn’t shake it. I’m betting Princess Diana had it especially during her bulimic years. And at my heaviest, I definitely had it.

Called “dysthymia,” it’s the diagnosis given to someone who lives with persistent long-term mild depression.

Unlike major depression where you can’t get out of bed, open the curtains, or bathe, someone with dysthymia feels “blah,” nothing’s all that exciting or interesting.

The high functioning person with dysthymia looks great on the outside. She wears smart outfits to work, is good at her job; goes out to lunch with friends; and vacations somewhere fun when she has the chance.

And unless she confides in you, it’s unlikely you’d guess at how she’s feeling.

My point: losing for the long-run means addressing our trauma at its very roots. When we try to fix our eating issues by only examining what we put in our mouths, we’re missing the opportunity to make significant change in our lives; to invite meaningful growth into our world.

What I’ve noticed in my own life is that both mowing down the weeds, and pulling them out by their roots is an ongoing part of living a thriving lifestyle; merely part of life.

So I’m regularly pulling an old (or new) issue out by the roots, while simultaneously creating ironclad habits for myself. We can do both at the same time.

But here’s the complexity: we might have had dysthymia as kids, or teens or young adults (or all three). But today, let’s say that we no longer feel “ho-hum.” Today we’re very much looking forward to our upcoming Hawaii trip, to seeing our grandson graduate Kindergarten, and planting bulbs for a gorgeous spring backyard.

Life is good.

So if we’re feeling pretty good, why do we continue to overeat? Because we developed a habit that may have served us years ago, but that today has only become it’s own annoying problem.

If long ago the food-fix actually helped you through tough times, the fix must be appreciated and loved for all it did for you.

Journal-write about how the fix helped you back in the day, and how she affects your life now. Thank the fix for the good she once did, and journal about how to s l o w l y (or the cave woman shows up) create new habits that work beautifully for the person you’ve become today.

Pearl Three

In August, Pearl Three is about habit formation specifically: self-talk habits. How do you engage with yourself?

Last week I was having a quick conversation with my husband that ended with him going into Eeyore mode. As in, “nothing good will come of this! How will we manage?? We’re melting, we’re melting!”

His angst was rhetorical, he didn’t actually expect an answer.

But as I turned away to do something else, I was stunned at what flew out of my mouth.

I replied, “I’ll figure it out. I always do.”


Did that thought actually come out of my mouth? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ve been working on smart self-talk for ages, but I didn’t expect such a great thought to come from me unprompted.

If you’d love to better know your own self-talk, and how it’s affecting your weight loss, journal about the following:

  • Is calling yourself “dense,” “a moron,” “dingy” a self-talk habit you’ve developed?
  • What do you tell yourself when the best laid plans go south?
  • Do you have the habit of expecting yourself to perform at the highest level, and then berating yourself when you can’t pull it off?
  • Is “I’m such an idiot” a default thought for you? Why? Where did it first appear?
  • Do you tell yourself that you won’t be successful because you don’t have the degree, the health, the brains, or the time to address something that’s been massively important to you for ages?
  • Do you think you’ll have a more successful life if you’re hard on yourself?
  • What’s frightening about talking to yourself with respect and kindness? Do you think bad things will happen if you’re supportive of yourself?
  • When do you think negative self-talk became your go-to in life?
  • What is one positive thought, you could turn into a habit by using regularly?

Discovering and addressing negative self-talk is like brushing our teeth: it’s a regular thing we do day-in and day-out. Be good to yourself internally and one day something amazing will pop out of your mouth too.

Pearl Four

Food! A micro-tip moment. Of course, we order dressing on the side, but here’s how I keep it delicious: I dip my fork tines gently into the dressing and then spear my salad.

Of course, I don’t dip my fork into the dressing and pull out a glob of dressing before chowing on my salad. I make the tiniest of touches to the very top of my tines. Dip your tines on the regular and the habit will become your oh-so-tasty default.

Pearl Five

Good habits are worth being fanatical about.”
– John Irving

If you’re on the November/December Heath & Weight Challenge, two questions for you:

  1. Are you writing your 15 sentences about something you really want in life? (Yes, I know this seems “out there,” but it’s not. Just try it.)
  2. Can you stop eating after 6 p.m.?

Remember our goal is to embrace Thanksgiving and then the December holidays having gained health and lost — or maintained — weight.

If you liked this post and know someone who could benefit, please pass it on. A heartfelt thank you from me.

♥, Wendy

You know the scoop: I’m an Amazon affiliate. If you buy from a link in my post, I’ll receive money, but the arrangement won’t cost you a dime.

Beautiful wreath at Notable Wreaths.

Dear Thrivers,

Are you new to the Inspired Eater? Welcome!! This blog won’t make much sense until you read the Aunt Bea post (you’ll find her to the right under my short bio). After you enter your email address, Aunt Bea will be sent to your inbox. If it didn’t arrive, you might check the spam folder. And always feel free to email me at and I’ll get Aunt Bea right to you!

Onto our Friday pearls!

Pearl One

The importance of an epiphany: ‘Something has fundamentally shifted and we’ll never be the same again.’ For so many of us, our epiphany re: weight loss came when we saw a picture of ourselves at a heavier weight than we preferred.

But an epiphany can be small like when I finally understood that I had to wear protective earphones when my son plays piano loudly; or huge, as in: it occurred to a friend at a gut level that she’d never get her dream job without a higher degree (her words).

I see our lives bursting in epiphany-wisdom in various layers throughout the years; one year we may get it that eating pizza regularly will forever clash with our health goals. While another year we might understand that cheese itself isn’t helpful to our smart eating lifestyle (which is why I call cheese a spice).

An epiphany takes time to bake in the oven. It can’t be rushed. We won’t have five in a week or even in a month. Sometimes they appear at the weirdest times (while cleaning the shower) or in wondrous moments (when beholding a rainbow).

Make room for the epiphany in your life. And the moment it descends write that beauty down because some things are too wonderful to leave to our over-50 memory. (Well, I’m just saying.)

Pearl Two

First, a note about ‘success stories.’ While the thriver’s story today is about losing a significant amount of weight, I want you to know that success is also about creating a strong new habit (or dumping an old one), speaking up when ordering in restaurants, or sharing a new ‘aha’ in your life.

This Success Pearl comes from B. —

I’m 73 years old and want to remain thin, active, and healthy! I never want to ‘Go on A Diet’ again.

As a child: Mom was a good Southern/country cook and I was never a picky eater — but we ran and played and didn’t gain weight. As an adult I began to gain. My husband and I were child-free, and we indulged ourselves. The kids came later, but the habits were established.

This time I lost 30. Twice before I lost 50 lbs. (and gained all or most of it back). Every time I’ve been successful, I counted calories.

The hardest part was getting off-track at holidays and family gatherings, beating myself up and then giving up! I was so disheartened at losing seven then gaining it back over and over again.

The Inspired Eater gave me my new mantra: It’s a lifestyle! I have an eating plan, make sure I have healthful snacks in the house and write down every bite. 

This time I made a New Year’s resolution — unusual for me. I resolved to Just Count Calories and not fret about the weight. I made it my mantra and it was freeing for some reason. I guess it was the beginning of a lifestyle change.

My thoughts for others would be: buy yourself a steno pad. Plan what you’re going to eat. Write down every bite. Don’t con yourself. Don’t beat yourself up! 

I wish I had known that Dieting Means Temporary Weight Loss. 

My BMI is now 23, I’m at my lowest known adult weight and never imagined that I could be so. In fact, my weight is still inching down. 

I’m a licensed childcare provider. I cook good food for my little ones. My best habit is eating what I planned to eat. The negative habit I got rid of was overindulging in the foods I prepare for them and finishing off the leftovers.

I’m surprised that I have been this successful without a lot of self-deprivation or self-pity.

Another mantra: I am not a garbage disposal and I will never go on a diet again.

Well done, B.! It would be wonderful to catch up with you in six months!

Pearl Three

Let’s live differently and capture it with a cool journal writing prompt. So much wisdom comes from writing about our challenges versus just pondering them. I write in my journal about something bugging me almost every day.

Don’t deny yourself this powerful method of discovery.

Ask yourself the following:

What lifestyle would I design for a dear friend who had an ultimate plan like mine (e.g. developing smart eating habits)? Get super specific and write about how an average day would go.

What would I want her to know?

What three things could she do that would make a huge difference?

What are three inescapable facts you know she’ll need to understand?

What would you tell her about the challenges that’ll come her way and what do you tell her about handling them?

If what she’s shooting for is difficult, what do you tell her about hard times and ‘staying the course’?

Now apply the answers to your own life and keep this wisdom where you’ll see it daily.

Pearl Four

Food Alert! Five thumbs up on the yum-o-meter! I’ve written about these tasty guys before, but I “found” them again at Costco (meaning I’d forgotten) and want to share them with you (in case you’ve forgotten too).

They’re called Spinach Egg White frittatas and you get 20 in a box for around $14 (yes, they’re pricey). The words “egg whites” kind of freaks me out a little – not a huge fan – but these mini-frittatas are truly tasty. You’ll find them in Costco’s frozen section generally to your right as you enter the store; also near the bagged frozen fruit. (Calories for one single frittata: 70, fat: 4 grams, fiber: 1 gram, protein: five grams, sugar: one gram.)

The taste is great and the convenience just as awesome because we can nuke for a minute and be out the door with something delicious in our cold-tote.

Pearl Five

Everything gets easier when you stop expecting it to be easy.” – Tim Grover

With the three-day weekend upon us, design each day so that Tuesday-morning ‘you’ will awaken very pleased.

Shoot me an email if you’d like to be a success story. Oh, come on, brag a little! It’ll help the rest of us.

See you on Tuesday!

♥, Wendy